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"To the health of our Sovereign, the Emperor!" he cried, and at the same moment his kindly eyes grew moist with tears of joy and enthusiasm. The band immediately struck up "Conquest's joyful thunder waken..." All rose and cried "Hurrah!" Bagration also rose and shouted "Hurrah!" in exactly the same voice in which he had shouted it on the field at Schon Grabern.

No. John Wesley's version? No. Dr. Conquest's? No. The Unitarian version? No. Any version? No. Is it some particular Greek or Hebrew Bible then? No. Is it the manuscripts? No. But these are all the Bibles we have. The Bible is an infallible guide, you say. What to? Uniformity of opinion? No. Uniformity of worship? No. Uniformity of life? No. Uniformity of feeling, of affection, of effort? No.

It was because there were no other people to be seen that two men standing in the rain attracted the attention of the three who descended Conquest's steps together. "There they are," Ford said, jerkily. "By George! they've got ahead of me." Instinctively Miriam clutched his arm, while one of the two strangers came forward apologetically. "You're Mr. John Norrie Ford, ain't you?" "I am."

But it was here that, in spite of all his arguments, Conquest's doubts began. With much curious ignorance of women, there was a point of view from which he knew them well.

Conquest's smoking-room, with its space and height, its deep leather arm-chairs, its shaded lamps, its cheerful fire, suggested a club rather than a private dwelling, and invited the most taciturn guest to confidence.

New France was full of bold spirits who loved conquest for conquest's sake. Besides, in this case there was a force at work, generally unknown, but as powerful as the convincing influence of an army. Behind the worst and the best acts of Charles II was a woman. Behind the glories and follies of Louis XIV was also a woman.

To Miriam herself it was the seal set on a past that could never be reopened. She felt the definiteness with which it was ended, as she heard, on her way back to Conquest's side, the door slammed, while the cab lumbered away. It seemed to her that Conquest shrank from her as she approached him. "You'll come to-morrow? I shall be home about five."

The Emperor can do no wrong, nor can the five ambitious great men who have his ear and control the destiny of Japan. No great race adventure can go far nor endure long which has no deeper foundation than material success, no higher prompting than conquest for conquest's sake and mere race glorification.

I invite you to something better, and higher, and holier than that; I invite you to a glory not 'fanned by conquest's crimson wing, but based upon the solid and lasting benefits which I believe the Parliament of England can, if it will, confer upon the countless populations of India. From Hansard.

There was always some fear on Conquest's part lest the world should so assimilate her that her distinctiveness which was more like an influence that radiated than a characteristic that could be seen would desert her; and it was with conscious satisfaction that he noted now, after an absence of some months, that it was still there.