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There will be a gent there with sore eyes. He got sore eyes waitin' and watchin' for me to call. I expect to cure him of his eye trouble. After that you will be as welcome as Mary's little lamb fried." "Bur-rie me not on the lo-o-ne prai-ree," sang Bud Light. "Not while you got the fastest hoss in the outfit," said Williams. "Collie's hoss is here," said Overland. "I'm ridin' her this trip.

Then you'll get over the fever and settle down sensible. Three of us could do a heap better than two. I wish Collie was on the job." "I'm willing," said Winthrop. "'Course you are, but you get your half of this as agreed. Collie's share comes out of my half. I'm playin' this hand over the table, in plain sight." Winthrop glanced quickly at Overland's inscrutable face.

Surroundings have quicker and stronger effect on collies than on almost any other kind of dog. And these surroundings, very evidently, were not to the collie's taste. Several times, when the path's width permitted, he dropped back to Gavin's side, to receive a word of friendly encouragement or a pat on the head. Outside of the grove's shadows the sun was sinking.

"The Saunders man has got somethin' up his sleeve. He didn't turn his pony into the corral, did he?" "No." "All right. Now, about them papers and your part of this here claim ..." For an hour they talked about the claim, Winthrop, Collie's prospects, and their favorite topic, the Rose Girl. They were speaking of her when she appeared at the bunk-house door. "Good-morning, Mr. Summers. Mrs.

I think he may be whiles ane an' whiles the ither, an' whiles maybe it wad be ill to say whilk. Oor collie's whiles in twa min's whether he'll du what he's telled or no." "That's the battle of Armageddon, Sheltie, my man. It's aye ragin', ohn gun roared or bayonet clashed. Ye maun up an' do yer best in't, my man.

"It is just 'bully. Where in the world did you unearth that word, Anne?" Dr. Marshall's offhand designation of the buckboard as "a team in a hurry" was prophetic, even unto the end. What Boyar could not accomplish in the way of equine gymnastics in harness, Apache, Collie's pony, could. Louise was a little fearful for her guests, yet she had confidence in the driver.

Rachael, pulling the old collie's silky ears, thought nothing of the wickedness of the world but much of possible change and pleasure. She hoped her aged relative was right; certainly one would suppose Granny to be right in anything she said.

The one thing necessary in the cultivation of the dog is to bear in mind the purpose for which he is supposed to be employed, and to aim at adapting or conserving his physique to the best fulfilment of that purpose, remembering that the Greyhound has tucked-up loins to give elasticity and bend to the body in running, that a Terrier is kept small to enable him the better to enter an earth, that a Bulldog is massive and undershot for encounters in the bullring, that the Collie's ears are erected to assist him in hearing sounds from afar, as those of the Bloodhound are pendant, the more readily to detect sounds coming to him along the ground while his head is bent to the trail.

Bruce's warmest overseas friends were to be found in the ranks of the mixed Franco-American regiment, nicknamed the "Here-We-Comes." Right gallantly, in more than one tight place, had Bruce been of use to the "Here-We-Comes." On his official visits to the regiment, he was always received with a joyous welcome that would have turned any head less steady than a thoroughbred collie's.

In the same instant he beheld the advancing Ruloff; and the wise old brain read the situation at a glance. Stopping only to lick the tear-streaked little face, Lad bounded in front of Sonya and faced the father. The collie's feeble old body was tense; his eyes blazed with indignant fury. His hackles bristled. The yellowed and useless teeth glinted from beneath back-writhed lips.