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"As sune as the keel o' the coble touches the sand, deil a bit mair will the lazy fisher loons work, but the wives maun kilt their coats, and wade into the surf to tak the fish ashore. And then the man casts aff the wat and puts on the dry, and sits down wi' his pipe and his gill-stoup ahint the ingle, like ony auld houdie, and neer a turn will he do till the coble's afloat again!

A short, jumping sea sprang up as if by magic; the men hauled in their lines, took three reefs in the coble's mainsail before hoisting, and then laid the boat's head for the land. Minute by minute the blast grew heavier; quick gusts shook the bents on the sandy hills, and screamed away over the moaning floor of the sea.

Why, my poor country people in their bit cobles* pass from island to island in all weathers, ay, and by night too, for the matter of that." *Coble: a small boat used in fishing. "A coble's not a ship, sir," said the captain. "It has nae draught of water." "Well, then, to Glasgow if ye list!" says Alan. "We'll have the laugh of ye at the least."

Why, my poor country-people in their bit cobles pass from island to island in all weathers ay, and by night too, for the matter of that." "A coble's not a ship, sir," said the captain. "It has nae draught of water." "Well, then, to Glasgow if ye list!" says Alan. "We'll have the laugh of ye at the least." "My mind runs little upon laughing," said the captain. "But all this will cost money, sir."

"As sune as the keel o' the coble touches the sand, deil a bit mair will the lazy fisher loons work, but the wives maun kilt their coats, and wade into the surf to tak the fish ashore. And then the man casts aff the wat and puts on the dry, and sits down wi' his pipe and his gill-stoup ahint the ingle, like ony auld houdie, and neer a turn will he do till the coble's afloat again!