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"It is a matter that would make us both rich men," said James. "Do ye tell me that?" cries Alan. "I do, sir," said James. "The plain fact is that it is Cluny's Treasure." "No!" cried Alan. "Have ye got word of it?" "I ken the place, Mr. Stewart, and can take you there," said James. "This crowns all!" says Alan. "Well, and I'm glad I came to Dunkirk. And so this was your business, was it?

My Lord George Murray advanced, and although he found Mons. de Cluny and his tribe in good spirits under arms, yet the circumstance appear'd extremely delicate. The numbers were vastly unequall, and the attack seem'd very dangerous; so my Lord George declin'd giving orders to such time as he ask'd Mons. de Cluny's oppinion.

There he had skulked all day, "waiting for Donald Cameron, who was afterwards hanged, together with some of the said Donald's companions from Lochaber". No doubt they were all honest men who had been "out," and they may well have been on Cluny's business of conveying gold from the Loch Arkaig hoard to Major Kennedy for the prince. Donald advised him to hold his tongue.

My scout reports all clear in the south, and the question is, have ye the strength to go?" I saw cards on the table, but no gold; only a heap of little written papers, and these all on Cluny's side. Alan, besides, had an odd look, like a man not very well content; and I began to have a strong misgiving.

A gentleman of Clan Vourich, whose grandfather fought at Culloden, gives me the following anecdote. The soldiers were, one day, hard on Cluny's tracks, and they seized a clansman, whom they compelled to act as guide. He pretended an innocence bordering on idiotcy, and affected to be specially pleased with the drum, a thing of which he could not even conceive the use.

Cluny brightened. "And of course it isn't all over with Delia, is it?" He blushed. Gaston reached out and dropped a hand on Cluny's shoulder. "I'm afraid it is all over, Cluny." Cluny spoke without thinking. "I say, it's rough on her, isn't it?" Then he was confused, hurriedly offered Gaston a cigarette, a hasty good- bye was said, and they parted. Gaston went first to Lord Faramond.

Though he was only a little lad at the time, my grandfather never forgot the sight. "He also told me that his mother never shed a tear, but looked prouder than he ever saw her, and before they left the hall she bade each gentleman good-bye, and to the chief she spoke in Gaelic, being of Cluny's blood and a gallant lady.

Cluny's own character, except by Kennedy and Young Glengarry, is unimpeached, and Lochgarry bore the stoutest testimony to his honour. The early biography of Archibald Cameron is interesting. As the youngest son of old Lochiel, he, with his famous brother 'the gentle Lochiel, set about reforming the predatory habits of their clan, with considerable success.

'Now, gentlemen, he said with a cheerful air, 'now I live like a Prince. Charles's wardrobe was as usual most dilapidated, and Cluny's three sisters set at once to work to make him a set of six shirts with their own fair hands, doubtless sewing the most passionate loyalty and infinite regret into their 'seams.

Here Gaston, who had in a kind of dream acted the whole scene, swayed with faintness, and Cluny caught him, saving him from a fall. Cluny's colour was all gone. Lady Dargan had sat dazed, and Sir William's face was anxious, puzzled. A few hours later Sir William was alone with Gaston, who was recovered and cool.