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"Search the manikin, and let there be an end to this! I warn you for the last time, that if I hear a single bell, you will take the place of the manikin." The band of thieves applauded Clopin's words, and arranged themselves in a circle round the gibbet, with a laugh so pitiless that Gringoire perceived that he amused them too much not to have everything to fear from them.

Come, may we not give ourselves a pleasant evening? Look, there is a piano, and Count, hold my puppy for me, and please see that no one feeds him at any time. I am starving him so that he may devour some of Clopin's parakeets, because I hate the sight of the little beasts. Thank you. Madame, do you like music?

"Do you not remember what I said, madame? I am getting it hungry enough to eat one or perhaps all of Clopin's wretched little parakeets." "You think they have to do with the hiding of the paper or the pearl, cher ami? Eh?" "I am sure of it. He would not carry the beastly little things about for nothing." "Ah, you are clever, you are very, very clever, monsieur," she made answer, with a laugh.

Clopin's early curfew had driven her boarders from the salon. It sounded thus one evening just as Lizzie, tired from an unusually long day of tuition, was in the act of removing her dress.

Clopin's girls older, duller, less alive than she, and by that very token more appealingly flung upon her sympathy. Would they ever know? Had they ever known? those were the questions that haunted her as she crossed her companions on the stairs, faced them at the dinner-table, and listened to their poor, pining talk in the dim-lit slippery-seated salon.

It was easier, in her present mood, to kiss them than to keep them at their grammars. That evening, on Mme. Clopin's threshold, her heart beat so wildly that she had to lean a moment against the door-post beforeentering. But on the hall table, where the letters lay, there was none for her.

"Madame, I shall take joy in it," Cleek replied. "But why should we talk of unpleasant things when the future looks so bright? Come, may we not give ourselves a pleasant evening? Look, there is a piano, and Count, hold my puppy for me, and please see that no one feeds him at any time. I am starving him so that he may devour some of Clopin's parakeets, because I hate the sight of the little beasts.

"Do you remember what I said, madame? I am getting it hungry enough to eat one or perhaps all of Clopin's wretched little parakeets." "You think they have to do with the hiding of the paper or the pearl, cher ami? Eh?" "I am sure of it. He would not carry the beastly little things about for nothing." "Ah, you are clever you are very, very clever, monsieur," she made answer, with a laugh.

Clopin's pension, she had addressed a similar behest to Andora Macy. Andora had lifted a look of startled conjecture. "Why, thisone's never been opened! Do you suppose that awful woman could have kept it from him?" Lizzie laughed. Andora's imaginings were really puerile. "What awful woman? His landlady? Don't be such a goose, Andora.

"Cross of God! monseigneur the cardinal," said Coppenole, without quitting Clopin's hand, "he's a friend of mine." "Good! good!" shouted the populace. From that moment, Master Coppenole enjoyed in Paris as in Ghent, "great favor with the people; for men of that sort do enjoy it," says Philippe de Comines, "when they are thus disorderly." The cardinal bit his lips.