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High Pardons Wood, Lower Pardons, Suttons, Dutton's Shaw, Reuben's Ghyll, Maxey's Ghyll, and both the Oak Hangers? Sure you've got 'em all?" "Every last stick. Why, you know them as well as I do." He laughed. "They say there's five thousand a thousand pounds' worth of lumber timber they call it in the Hangers alone." "Mrs. Cloke's oven must be mended first thing, and the kitchen roof.

Indeed, for the most part Sophie walked bareheaded beneath her helmet of chestnut hair; but she had been plagued of late by vague toothaches, which she explained to Mrs. Cloke, who asked some questions. How it came about Sophie never knew, but after a while behold Mrs. Cloke's arm was about her waist, and her head was on that deep bosom behind the shut kitchen door. "My dear!

Sophie exclaimed, a little awed; for to them the joke, which to an American means work, was only just beginning. "If it's took in a proper spirit" Mrs. Cloke's eye turned toward her oven. "Send and have that mended to-morrow," Sophie whispered.

'Tis God's work. An' we was only waitin' for it, for you've never failed in your duty yet. It ain't your way. What did you say about my Mary's doings?" Mrs. Cloke's face hardened as she pressed her chin on Sophie's forehead. "If any of your girls thinks to be'ave arbitrary now, I'll But they won't, my dear. I'll see they do their duty too. Be sure you'll 'ave no trouble."