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But, having Christiana's love, I wanted nothing upon earth. I would not have changed my lot with any human being. Avarice was, unhappily, my uncle Chill's master-vice. Though he was rich, he pinched, and scraped, and clutched, and lived miserably.

Take out the extra blankets and the medicine chest. That's in the front corner, near my clothes, under the seat. A chill out here in the wilderness!" David turned to soothe her: "Don't be worried. A chill's natural enough after such a wetting." She shot a quick, hard glance at him, and he felt ignominiously repulsed.

Putchett's arm suddenly moved; his hand grasped the shell and carried it toward his lips; his eyes opened for a moment and fell upon the officer, at the sight of whom Mr. Putchett shivered and closed his eyes again. "That chill's a bad sign," muttered the captain. Mr. Putchett's eyes opened once more, and sought little Alice; his face broke into a faint smile, and she stooped and kissed him.

Let's hear the voices of the past once more human voices the voices of the age that was!" she cried, excited as a child. "All right, my darling," he made answer. "But not here. This is no place for melody, down in this dark and gloomy crypt, surrounded by the relics of the dead. We've been buried alive down here altogether too long as it is. Brrr! The chill's beginning to get into my very bones!

The roar of the Chill's exhaust nearly drowned the roar of the guns, but the fragile hull of the craft was shaken and rocked by the bursting shells.

I never had loved any one but Christiana, and she had been all the world, and O far more than all the world, to me, from our childhood! Christiana accepted me with her mother's consent, and I was rendered very happy indeed. My life at my uncle Chill's was of a spare dull kind, and my garret chamber was as dull, and bare, and cold, as an upper prison room in some stern northern fortress.