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"The hert o' a wuman's no deceitfu' as the Buik says o' a man 's, an' sae 's a heap the easier deceivt. The chield's no ill-luikin'! an' I s' warran' he's no sae rouch wi' a yoong lass as wi' an auld wife." "Grizzie, ye wadna mint 'at oor Aggie's ane to be ta'en wi' the luiks o' a man!" "What for no whan it's a' the man has!

"Keep back, sir, as best sets ye," said the Bailie, as Andrew pressed forward to catch the answer to some question I had asked about Campbell. "ye wad fain ride the fore-horse, an ye wist how. That chield's aye for being out o' the cheese-fat he was moulded in. Now, as for your questions, Mr.

"Weel, ye see, mem, I mean my leddy, fowk said I was ill aboot the bride; an' sae I bude to dance 't oot o' their heids." "And how much truth was there in what they said?" she asked, with a sly glance up in the handsome, now glowing face. "Gien there was ony, there was unco little," he replied. "The chield's walcome till her for me. But she was the bonniest lassie we had.

Osbaldistone, now that chield's out of ear-shot, I'll just tell you it's free to you to speer, and it's free to me to answer, or no Gude I canna say muckle o' Rob, puir chield; ill I winna say o' him, for, forby that he's my cousin, we're coming near his ain country, and there may be ane o' his gillies ahint every whin-bush, for what I ken And if ye'll be guided by my advice, the less ye speak about him, or where we are gaun, or what we are gaun to do, we'll be the mair likely to speed us in our errand.

"Keep back, sir, as best sets ye," said the Bailie, as Andrew pressed forward to catch the answer to some question I had asked about Campbell. "ye wad fain ride the fore-horse, an ye wist how. That chield's aye for being out o' the cheese-fat he was moulded in. Now, as for your questions, Mr.

Osbaldistone, now that chield's out of ear-shot, I'll just tell you it's free to you to speer, and it's free to me to answer, or no Gude I canna say muckle o' Rob, puir chield; ill I winna say o' him, for, forby that he's my cousin, we're coming near his ain country, and there may be ane o' his gillies ahint every whin-bush, for what I ken And if ye'll be guided by my advice, the less ye speak about him, or where we are gaun, or what we are gaun to do, we'll be the mair likely to speed us in our errand.