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She shrugged the shawl down to her shoulders with a pretty petulance. "If my chest's protected, that's all that's necessary." But she made no motion to drape the outline which her neatly-fitted dress displayed, and she did not move from her place, or look up at her anxious friend. "Oh, but don't sit here, Louise," the latter pleaded, lingering near her.

After the first start and misgiving this gave him, Gerard comprehended that the chest had not burst, but opened: he had doubtless jumped upon some secret spring. Still it shook in some degree his confidence in the chest's powers of resistance; so he gave it an ally: he took the iron bar and fastened it with the small rope across the large rope, and across the window.

The chest's the `coffin, and you keep hats in it, likewise odd boxes, and evening cloaks, and other perishable splendours. Every one calls them coffins, so you'll have to get used to it, I'm afraid; and the bureau's a `burry, and the screen's a `farce, and a topply one at that. You'll have to buy another to take its place. They never do supply you with decent screens.

Doubtless the monks within the passage had at that moment arrived at its mouth, there to make known to their comrades the robbery of the chest's contents. They were in pursuit; he could hear the bushes crackling beneath horses' feet. Never before had the wily Duke felt so hard pressed.

'Well, then, let's beat it, he said. 'I don't want to spend the night in this darned icehouse. I tell you I'm catching cold. My chest's weak. If you're so dead certain you've scared them away, let's quit. I was not prepared to go as far as this. 'They may be somewhere near, hiding. 'Well, what if they are? I don't mind being kidnapped. Let's go. 'I think we ought to wait, said Audrey.

He had lacked something of good color before, but as he reread, he grew paler and paler. Murgatroyd got down restlessly from his cubbyhole. He sniffed. He went toward the small locked chest in which Calhoun had put away the plastic container of living scavengers. He put his nose to the crack of that chest's cover. "Chee!" he said confidently. He looked at Calhoun. Calhoun did not notice.

After his fine figure, the first feature Mac noticed was a large but unfinished tattoo of the Royal Arms across the aforementioned unsound chest. Tubercular or not, that chest spent most of its hours in the fresh air, along with most of the rest of Mick's body. "How d'you come by that bit of landscape, Mick?" "Oh! ! ! !" murmured Mick feelingly. "Me ruddy chest's crook outside as well as in.

"All you fellows get out of here," commanded Steve. "It might happen again, and you're not doing any good here, anyway. The chest's in the bottom locker in our cabin, Phil. Is it bad?" "Don't think so," was the reply from the companion way. "Only a flesh wound, I guess. I'll look after it."

Going to it, she opened the lid. It was full of old toys, mostly broken. She seemed to have forgotten the presence of Phyl. Holding the chest's lid open, she gazed at the coloured and futile contents. Then she closed the lid of the chest with a sigh. The South dines at four o'clock at least Charleston does. It was the old English custom and the old Irish custom, too.

There were some fine men in the hospital and next to Mac lay Mick. He was a Light Horseman, and Mac made a cobber of him. "Chest's me trouble touch of t.b. the Doc says. I cough away some of these nights like a sheep with lung-worm.