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Again that derrick-grip, and they stood in the heart of the maelstrom, but apparently perfectly safe, unassailable. "They won't stop," Claire wailed plaintively. "I've been waiting for ages. The car'll go by! You see if it won't!" It did, indeed, seem on the point of sliding past, as all the rest had done, but of a sudden the motorman vehemently shut off his power, and put on his brake.

Christmas money! You get me?" "Of course. How'll we know who we've got to shoot?" "I'll be there myself on the sidewalk. I'll point him out to you." "The police?" "They're fixed." "Easy enough," said the Kid, the youngest of the gang. "Well, you guys," said the leader pointing out four of the men, "will go with the Kid. The car'll be at the door in half an hour." "Now, gimme my orders," said Red.

But at last Jawn, standing in the cab of his derailed locomotive, saw something that made him call quickly to Mallory. "They've started," he said. "Where are they?" "Comin' up through the woods." Mallory glanced quickly about and said, "We're flanked. There's no good in staying here, is there?" "The baggage car'll hold together for a while, and the other train ought to be here now."

Before it's time for the ride home she must rest in a quiet place." "My car'll be here and waiting five minutes after I telephone." "You sure have been grand, Mr. Haas!" "I shouldn't be grand yet to my Let's see what relation is it I am to you?" "Honest, you're a case, Mr. Haas always making fun!" "My poor dead sister's son marries your daughter. That makes you my nothing-in-law." "Honest, Mr.

"Your car'll be all right here, young ladies," he said, reaching for the quarter Ruth offered him. "I'm going to stay here myself and watch 'em until the show's over. Cal'late to stay here anyway till them wild Injuns and wilder cowboys air off Peleg Swift's land yonder. No knowing what they'll do if they ain't watched."

"But the car'll be awfully hot, too, standing right in the sun. I know I'll get an umbrella." She rushed off at full speed lest the other should remonstrate something that Elsie Marley didn't think of doing. She accepted the favor as a matter of course, and they walked on slowly, the one restraining her eager feet with difficulty. "Oh, dear, I suppose you're going to New York, too?" she asked.

Before it's time for the ride home, she must rest in a quiet place." "My car'll be here and waiting five minutes after I telephone." "You sure have been grand, Mr. Haas!" "I shouldn't be grand yet to my let's see what relation is it I am to you?" "Honest, you're a case, Mr. Haas always making fun!" "My poor dead sister's son marries your daughter. That makes you my nothing-in-law." "Honest, Mr.

"Well, that's right," said William, and while they all laughed again, Mr. Crooper struck his cousin a jovial blow upon the back. "Hi, ole sport!" he cried, "I want to meet that Miss Pratt before we start. The car'll be along pretty soon, and I got her picked for the girl I'm goin' to sit by."

Fred rang for Gridley and told him to have his car brought around to the door. He wanted it to start at once within two minutes. When the butler had departed, Fred, by an inch, again opened the coat-room door. The stranger had draped himself in the underclothes and the shirt, and at the moment was carefully arranging the tie. "Hurry!" commanded Keep. "The car'll be here in a minute.

"Thank you ever so much," said the two girls, together. "It's awfully good of you " "Don't be thanking me," grinned the conductor. "The car'll be stopping by accident like, and how should I know what you're going to do? Well, good luck to you!"