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I mak sma' doubt the captain'll tak ye hame wi' him, syne the mither an' sisters still be i' the cot i' Mr. Craik's croft." "Tell me, MacMuir," said I, "is not the captain in some trouble?" For I knew that something, whatever it was, hung heavy on John Paul's mind as we drew nearer Scotland. At times his brow would cloud and he would fall silent in the midst of a jest.

Lookye here, Master Aleck Donne, you come up to my place, and the missus'll find you a tin bowl o' water, a bit o' soap, and a clean towel. You won't hurt after a wash, but be able to go home as proud as a tom rooster. You licked your man, and the captain'll feel proud of you, for Big Jem was too much of a hard nut for such a chap as you. Come on, my lad."

Get your kit out of your state-room. We can send over to the city after the rest of your baggage, after it gets in." "Along with you! Where?" "To my father's house, instead of ashore among those hotel people, and other wreckers. The captain'll tell you it's all right."

When Time goes reaping he will gather us a sheaf, out of which the picture springs. 'There's our last lurch, glory to the breakwater! exclaimed Father Boyle, as the boat pitched finally outside the harbour fence, where a soft calm swell received them with the greeting of civilised sea-nymphs. 'The captain'll have a quieter passage across. You may spy him on the pier.

Seeing how you can go back with your colours flying, the captain'll feel proud on yer, and if he's the gentleman I take him for he'll cut yer a bit o' sticking plaster himself. What you've got to do is to go straight to his cabin and speak out like a man." "Yes, Tom, I mean to but, Tom " continued the lad, in a hesitating way. "Ay ay, sir; what is it?"

The fact of it is I don't know nothin'. But one thing's certain, if she's here I ain't, and if she's too high and mighty to take toll in her honeymoon, the captain'll have to do it himself, or let 'em pass through free." Mrs.

That will take a few days, but I can do it while I'm here arranging for the funeral." "Not here you can't do it," broke in Carroll, with a short laugh. "Not here?" There was startled amazement in Darcy's question. "No." "Why not?" "Because you won't be here. You'd better come with us. You'll have to, in fact. The captain'll want to have a talk with you, and I guess the prosecutor the same.

I mak sma' doubt the captain'll tak ye hame wi' him, syne the mither an' sisters still be i' the cot i' Mr. Craik's croft." "Tell me, MacMuir," said I, "is not the captain in some trouble?" For I knew that something, whatever it was, hung heavy on John Paul's mind as we drew nearer Scotland. At times his brow would cloud and he would fall silent in the midst of a jest.

"He'll put a rich, red, County Connaught color on everything that's happened out here, and the Captain'll believe as much as suits him. Anyhow, Hennessey'll not say anything to our disadvantage, and probably the Captain'll send out some rations by fast mule express." "Yes," accorded Shorty; "we'll git some rations from camp by this evenin'. Cap will look out for that.

"We better think fast," said Mike. "The captain'll ask that question any second now, or a question like it." "All right," said Ishie. "First we've got to withdraw your original order and you'd better not trust your own memory as to what it was. You ask the Cow to tell you what order you gave her making certain information top secret.