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So engrossed was he and so ecstatic, that my approach was unheeded, and when presently I noted that the coach was Mademoiselle de Canaples's, I ceased to wonder at the boy's unconsciousness of what took place around him. Clearly the farrier had been found at last, and the horse shod afresh during my absence.

He had told his story insolently almost derisively and Mazarin's fury, driven beyond bounds already by what he had heard, became a very tempest of passion 'neath the lash of Canaples's impertinences.

As it flashed by, I caught a glimpse of Eugene de Canaples's swart face through the window. Whether the recognition was mutual I cannot say nor does it signify.

Add to this the fact that whilst Canaples's nerves were unstrung by passion mine were held in check by a mind as calm and cool as though our swords were baited, and consider with what advantages I took my ground. He led the attack fiercely and furiously, as if I were a boy whose guard was to be borne down by sheer weight of blows.

Splashed from head to foot with mud, my doublet saturated and my beaver dripping, with the feather hanging limp and broken, whilst there was a rent in my breeches that had been made by Canaples's sword, I take it that I had not the air of a courtier, and that when I said that I went to the Palais Royal she might have justly held me to be the adventurous lover of some kitchen wench.

"The Marquis spoke bluntly enough, and with rude candour he stated that since Mazarin had failed to bring the Canaples estates into his family by marriage, he came to set before his Eminence a proof so utter of Canaples's treason that it would enable him to snatch the estates by confiscation. The Cardinal may have been staggered by St.

"His wits, mayhap," quoth Canaples with a contemptuous shrug. He was a tall, powerfully built man, this Canaples, with a swart, cruel face that was nevertheless not ill-favoured, and a profusion of black hair. "There is a temerity in M. de Canaples's rejoinder that I had not looked for," I said banteringly. Canaples's brow was puckered in a frown. "Ha! And why not, Monsieur?" "Why not?

M. de Montresor had been on guard in the ante-chamber, and in virtue of an excitement noticeable in Canaples's bearing, coupled with the ill-odour wherein already he was held by Mazarin, the lieutenant's presence had been commanded in the Cardinal's closet during the interview for his Eminence was never like to acquire fame for valour.

And, naturally enough, that tempest had burst upon the only head available Eugene de Canaples's and the Cardinal had answered his jibes with interest by calling upon Montresor to arrest the fellow and bear him to the Bastille.

Auban has carried Canaples's letter to the Cardinal already. I heard from his lips to-day for I was present at the interview how the document had been wrested from Malpertuis. For your sake, so that you might learn all he knew, I sought the fellow out, and having found him in the Rue des Tournelles, I took you thither." In a very fever of excitement I listened.