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And while I was doing it Cadman came up, in his low surly way, and said, 'I want my gun, missus; I never shoot with no other gun than that. Captain says I may shoot a sea-pye, for the little ones. And so I always called it 'Cadman's gun. I have not been able to think much yet. But if that gun is lost, I shall know who it was that lost a gun that dreadful night."

Peak, in confidence, apprised her of the disturbing cause, Miss Cadman's indignation knew no bounds. What! That low fellow had been allowed to interfere with the progress of Godwin Peak's education, and not a protest uttered? He should have been forbidden to establish himself in Kingsmill! Why had they not taken her into council?

"Some brand of calisthenics that. And he was the old one with the rose-jar?" Skag's hand lifted toward the other and Cadman's met his. There was a wet, meaty growl, indescribably low-pitched but no chance even to shout only to huddle back together to the farthest corner. The beast had stalked faultlessly and pounced, landing upon the thin cross pieces of bamboo, but short of the bait.

He bade them be silent, caught up his rifle and covered the tiger, while Skag made the tilted pole, beckoning the rifle back. "It's been a hard night for him," he said. The two men stood together in the morning light. Cadman's face was deeply shaded by the big helmet again, but his eyes bored into the young one's as he offered his cigarette-case. Skag took one, lit it carelessly.

Skag recalled Cadman's words, but also that he was known among the natives as one white man not an animal-killer. His name Son of Power had followed him to Hurda; word about him had travelled with mysterious rapidity.

The two Americans looked into each other's eyes, without words the Calcutta-bound train was alongside. "Remember, I'm responsible for you from now on, son!" Cadman said, as he loosed Skag's hand. The Monkey Glen Skag and Cadman were back in Hurda where Dickson Sahib lived, and the younger man was disconsolate at the thought of Cadman's leaving for England.

Cadman's manuscript. Born in 1864 God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Gal. vi., 14. The pivotal conception of missionary enterprise is the conception of Christ as the eternal priest of humanity. If any need of the world's heart is before us now, it is the need of the Cross.

The boys had been at a boarding-school twenty miles away from their country home; it would be better for them now to be put under the care of some Twybridge teacher such an one as Miss Cadman's acquaintances could recommend.

He and Widow Carroway and I had a long talk after the trial, and we all agreed that the murder was committed by a villain called 'John Cadman, a sneak and a skulk, whom I knew well, as one of Carroway's own men. Among other things, they chanced to say that Cadman's gun was missing, and that the poor widow can swear to it.

"How's all that?" "You don't smell afraid " "Ah, thanks." Long afterward Cadman's hand came over to Skag's brow and touched it lightly. "I was just wondering, son, if you sweat hot or cold." There was a pause, before he added: "You see, I want to get you, young man. You really like this sort of night?" "It is India," said Skag.