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Harry Payne Whitney. These two fountains are totally different in character, and they could well afford to be so, since they are not visible as a whole at the same time, although physically not far apart. Mrs. Burrough's fountain is very naïve in feeling, very charming in the graceful modeling of the little girl.

Sanderson could not have told, however, just what motive had impelled him to decide to go to the Double A. No doubt the Drifter's story regarding the trouble that was soon to assail Mary Bransford had had its effect, but he preferred to think he had merely grown tired of life at the Pig-Pen Burrough's ranch and that the Drifter's story, coming at the instant when the yearning for a change had seized upon him, had decided him.

In vigorous, nervous language, which does not spare his opponent, he defends himself from Burrough's charges, and proves that the Quakers are "deceivers."

"Saw ye twa fellows ganging this gait?" cried the foremost of the pursuers, pulling up. "What like were they?" said my grandfather, in a simple manner. "Ane of them was o' his Grace's guard," replied the man, "but the other, curse tak me gin I ken what he was like, but he's the bailie or provost of a burrough's town, and should by rights hae a big belly."

Favoured by the kind assistance of Charles Bowden, the secretary to the Society of Friends, access was afforded me to the extensive library in Devonshire House, and upon collation of Bunyan's quotations with the original editions of Burrough's exceedingly rare tracts, my gratification was great to find that every extract made by John Bunyan was perfectly faithful.

Edward Burrough's ministry came forth among us in life and power, and the assembly was covered therewith.

After a very careful perusal of E. Burrough's answers to Bunyan, it is gratifying to find that the whole truth is set forth in the following pages; some of the facts are worthy of a careful notice. The Baptists and Independents had long existed in this country, and had published confessions of faith. The Ranters and Familists existed not as sects but in name, and soon disappeared.

May such sentiments spread, and soon cover the earth! George Fox's Journal, folio, p. 144. See Burrough's Works, p. 304. I think it meet also, to stir up thy heart by way of remembrance, touching those things that are the hindrances of thy believing the things that are necessary to the welfare of thine immortal soul.

The title to Burrough's answer is a strange contrast to the violence of his language The Gospel of Peace Contended for in the Spirit of Meekness and Love.