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She looked very worn and anxious, and he felt it almost possible that during the last few months she might not always have had quite enough to eat. "I never thawt in the days when I was Judge Burford's dawtah of Burfordsville," she explained, "that I should come to Washington to take boarders.

The Judge's homesick heart expanded within him. He shook hands with Tom with fervour. Rupert he greeted with friendly affection. Sheba on her entering the room with a plate of hot biscuits which she had been baking in Miss Burford's stove he almost kissed. "Now this is something like," he said. "I didn't know there was anything so like Barnesville in all Washington city.

Sheba ran downstairs to Miss Burford's kitchen, where Uncle Matt had prepared the evening meal in his best manner. As the repasts grew more and more simple, Matt seemed to display greater accomplishments. "It's all very well, Miss Sheba," he had said once, when she praised the skill with which he employed his scant resources.

Big Tom De Willoughby, in two wooden rooms behind a cross-roads store, in a small frame house kept in order by a negro woman, and in the genteel poverty of Miss Burford's second floor, had surrounded himself with the comforts and pleasures of the affections. It was not possible to enter the place without feeling their warmth, and Baird found himself nourished by it.

Lady Kenton, under cover of Miss Burford's piano, asked him whether she might call on Miss Marshall, and saw him flush with gratitude and pleasure, as he answered, 'It will be very kind in you. Lady Kenton knew enough of the ways of the school to understand when to make her visit, so as to have a previous conversation with Miss Lang, whom of course she already knew.

Sheba had cooked the supper in Miss Burford's kitchen. Her hot biscuits and coffee were made after Mornin's most respected recipes, and her housewifely air was tenderly anxious. "If it is not very good, Judge Rutherford," she said, standing shyly at the head of the table before she took her place, "it is because I am only learning."

'And it has preyed on her? 'More than any one would guess who had not known her in old times. I was glad that you secured that child, Cea, to her. She seems to have fastened her affections on her. 'Alder, presently repeated Frank. 'Alder I was thinking how the name had come before me. There were some clients of ours of Mr. Burford's, I mean of that name; I think they sold an estate.

She is no more really insane than you are; but at the same time so excitable upon certain topics, that it might be perhaps difficult to disabuse the chancellor or a jury of the impression so industriously propagated to her prejudice. The peremptory rejection by her guardian of young Burford's addresses, though sanctioned by her father: you know the Burfords?"

It is not the conventual building wherein the monks lived in pre-Reformation days and served God in the grand old church that is Burford's chief glory. Edmund Harman, the royal barber-surgeon, received a grant of the Priory from Henry VIII for curing him from a severe illness. Then Sir Laurence Tanfield, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, owned it, who married a Burford lady, Elizabeth Cobbe.

It was a good picture, that of the room on Miss Burford's upper floor, the large claimant smiling like a benign Jove, and the handsome youngster bending his head to kiss the girlish hand as if he were doing homage to a queen. "I think his feeling was that his failure to get a better thing was a kind of indignity done her," Baird explained.