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"On board the sloop!" he hailed. "It's all off, Captain! We've got your four men tied up, and we've got their revolvers. You and Dolph might as well give it up. Throw your guns in on the beach, and we'll come out and get you, one at a time!" A tremendous surprise was voiced by the absolute silence that followed. It was broken by Brittler's sneering voice: "So we might as well give up, had we, eh?

Would it not be better to hurry back to the cabin, warn Filippo and Throppy, and escape up the bank into the woods? The smugglers, with but two automatics against four, would hardly dare to follow them. "Way enough, Dolph!" growled Brittler's voice. The sloop had grounded. Splash! Splash! Her two passengers had leaped out into the water and were making their way to the beach.

One of the would-be plunderers and the weapons of both were in the boys' hands. What should they do next? "Hi! Hi! Scat, you brutes! Get a move on!" Brittler's voice shattered the midnight stillness as he came, driving the sheep before him. From their covert the boys could look across the pasture and see the black, leaping shapes fast drawing nearer.

Then the door was slammed shut and two men with automatics were stationed on guard outside. "Don't shoot unless you have to," instructed Brittler's voice, purposely raised. "And remember a bullet in the leg'll stop a man just as quick as one through the body." And then in a tone lower, but perfectly audible to those inside: "But don't stand any fooling! Stop 'em anyway!

Brittler's hand shot into his pocket as if for a revolver. "Stop there, Cap!" warned Dolph's voice. "No gun-play! 'Tisn't necessary. We can handle 'em." He flung himself suddenly on Spurling; another man leaped upon Lane. Though taken completely by surprise and almost hurled backward, Jim quickly recovered his balance. A sledge-hammer blow from Dolph's fist grazed his jaw as he sprang aside.