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In a word, we were all strolling divinities. Advancing toward the Chamois, one of the kings, a calm old man, now addressed me as follows: "Is this indeed Taji? he, who according to a tradition, was to return to us after five thousand moons? But that period is yet unexpired. What bring'st thou hither then, Taji, before thy time?

He was relieved by the voice of Eachin, who muttered in a hoarse and altered tone: "Let what we have spoken this night rest in silence for ever. If thou bring'st it to light, thou wert better dig thine own grave." Thus speaking, the door of the hut opened, admitting a gleam of moonshine.

"I hear thee babbling to the vale Of sunshine and of flowers, But unto me thou bring'st a tale Of visionary hours." Wordsworth. One discovery mentioned at the close of the preceding chapter was of great moment in the eyes of Deerslayer and his friend.

The Gods their Mercies will dispense, In a more glorious Recompence; A World of Blessings they've in store, A World of Honours, Vict'ries more; Thou shalt the Kingdom's Darling be, And Kings shall Homage pay to thee; Thy Sword no bounds to Conquest set, And thy Success that Sword shall whet; Princes thy Chariot-wheel shall grace, Whilst thou in Triumph bring'st home Peace.

God's blessing on our master Cedric, he hath done the work of a man in standing in the gap; but Reginald Front-de-Boeuf is coming down to this country in person, and we shall soon see how little Cedric's trouble will avail him. Here, here," he exclaimed again, raising his voice, "So ho! so ho! well done, Fangs! thou hast them all before thee now, and bring'st them on bravely, lad."

But away with thee; and when thou bring'st back my answer, thou wilt find me either here or at Saint George's Inn, at the little borough. Good luck to thee Be but cautious how thou bearest thyself." The Colonel remained in deep meditation. "I think," he said, "I have not pledged myself too far to the General.

O Hesperus, thou bringest all good things Home to the weary, to the hungry cheer, To the young bird the parent's brooding wings, The welcome stall to the o'er-laboured steer; Whate'er of peace about our hearthstone clings, Whate'er our household gods protect of dear, Are gathered round us by thy look of rest; Thou bring'st the child too to its mother's breast.

And yet they boast as loud As any braggart. Why bring'st thou the charge That I a blameful life do lead, whilst thine Deserves reproof? Dirt in the country holds Supreme control. The water's scarce enough To drink, with none left for the bath. The ground Serves you as bed, and millet is your food, Or rotten wheat and barley."

Omnipotence! thou bring'st no comfort to me: Thou canst not stretch thine arm into the grave To rectify one little act, committed With hasty rashness, 'gainst the life of man. The dead return no more. Who dare affirm That I am happy? In the tomb he dwells, Who scorned to flatter me. What care I now For all who live? One spirit, one free being, And one alone, arose in all this age!

Brave preparations thee await, O dame arrayed in olden state! For thee, for thee, Penn's city stands And stretches forth inviting hands To guests of home and foreign lands, And gathers all historic pride Of ancient records at her side, With gifts from all, on thee to rain Who bring'st such mem'ries in thy train. Hail, city well named "Brother's Love!"