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M. de Brevan had a slight attack of coughing, which prevented him from answering at first. Then, finding that Henrietta was bent upon escaping, he tried to devise the means. Henrietta proposed that they should wait for a night when the count would take the countess to a ball. She might then slip into the garden, and climb the wall. But the attempt seemed to be too dangerous in M. de Brevan's eyes.

Henrietta discouraged her curious lover as much as she could; but it was impossible for her to avoid him, as they lived under the same roof, and sat down twice a day at the same table. "The simplest way," was M. de Brevan's advice, "would be, perhaps, to provoke an explanation." But he did not wait to be asked.

Too full of the lawyer's shrewd surmises to express any surprise, Daniel looked at the words, and said coolly, "That is Maxime de Brevan's handwriting." A rush of blood colored instantly the pale face of Crochard.

And her confidence in me was so great, that, if she had any presentiment, she suppressed it for my sake." Daniel had, to be sure, a certain assurance now, that Maxime de Brevan would not be able to escape from justice. But what did it profit him to be avenged, when it was too late, long after Henrietta should have been forced to seek in suicide the only refuge from Brevan's persecution?

An advertisement inserted in all the leading newspapers of Europe would, no doubt, reach him; and the hope of seeing himself avenged" M. de Brevan's cheeks began to redden perceptibly. He broke out with strange vehemence, "What nonsense!" Then he added, more collectedly,

At last it struck ten o'clock; and the vibration of the bell could still be heard, when M. de Brevan's coupe stopped at the door. His coachman was certainly a skilful driver.

"It is a sacrifice which it seems to me you have to make for safety's sake." She said nothing, weighing the two alternatives, to remain in the house, or to accept M. de Brevan's proposition. After a minute she said, "I will follow your advice, sir; only" She was evidently painfully embarrassed, and covered with blushes. "You see," she said, after long hesitation, "all this will cost money.

Since she had escaped from her father's house, she had not received a line from Daniel, although she had constantly written to him, and she had, of course, no means of ascertaining the date of his return. She had once, following M. de Brevan's advice, summoned courage enough to go to the navy department, and there to inquire if they had any news about "The Conquest."

At eight o'clock on the evening of the next day, after having left in M. de Brevan's hands a long letter for Henrietta, and after having given him his last instructions, Daniel took his seat in the train which was to take him to his new post. It was a week after Daniel's departure, a Wednesday, and about half- past eleven o'clock.

Seated in M. de Brevan's little sitting-room, he was handing over his deeds and papers to his faithful confidant, explaining to him how he might make the most of the different parcels of land which he owned; how certain woods might be sold together; how, on the other hand, a large farm, now held by one tenant, might be advantageously divided into small lots, and sold at auction.