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Opposite Boughton's general store was another shop that made a specialty of fishermen's "oilers," boots, and overalls. Two houses to the westward of that was the old Schofield place, a low, white house surrounded by a rickety fence and covered with ivy. Once he reached the middle of the road Code saw that he had been mistaken in the location of the fire, for his mother's place was intact.

Billington as Saint Cecilia, Gilbert Stuart's Washington, Horace Vernet's Siege of Saragossa, Raeburn's Portrait of Van Brugh Livingston; in the Stuart Room, Boughton's Pilgrims Going to Church, Schreyer's The Attack, Inness's Hackensack Meadows, Sunset, Troyon's Cow and Sheep, Detaille's Chasseur of the French Imperial Guard, Bougereau's The Secret, and Weir's View of the Highlands from West Point.

But he has only to paint, or, as we believe he expresses it, 'knock off, three or four 'symphonies' or 'harmonies' or perhaps he might try his hand at a Set of Quadrilles in Peacock Blue? and a week's labor will set all square." Arthur Lumley, a New York illustrator, met Whistler once at a costume ball at George H. Boughton's house in London.

The attacks of Hoke and Hill extended across Ruger's front, but nothing heavier than brisk skirmishing occurred on Boughton's line. Claassen's brigade was sent forward toward Jackson's Mill, accompanied by my aide, Captain Tracy, in order to locate the left of the enemy's line, and determine the extent of his forces in front of our left and centre.

In it, besides himself, was a man. These two encountered Code just as he came out of Boughton's store. The second, who was tall and broad-shouldered, threw back his coat and displayed a government shield. Then he laid his hand on Code's arm. "Captain Schofield," he said, "you are under arrest!"

The Seneca ambuscade was on the marsh and the hills immediately north and west of the present village of Victor; and their chief town, called Gannagaro by Denonville, was on the top of Boughton's Hill, about a mile and a quarter distant. Immense quantities of Indian remains were formerly found here, and many are found to this day.

There we sit and talk of the romantic story, comparing notes as to our ideal of the heroine; and such is the influence of the air of sentiment and poetry pervading this region, that we decide that Boughton's representation of her,

"I thought so all along curse me if I didn't!" yelled the judge, and then, turning toward a crowd of men who were looking apprehensively here and there, he shouted: "All hands with the buckets now, lively!" Suddenly the basement doors of Boughton's store were thrown open and a huge, black-bearded man with a great voice appeared there.

"I haven't got a thing on earth but the Charming Lass, an' this year I haven't caught enough fish to pay for my new mains'l. My credit is still good at Bill Boughton's, but that's all." "But the cottage " "That is my mother's, and they could never get that.

The King's Road divided at Bill Boughton's store, the branch leading down to the wharfs, while the main road went on to Swallowtail Light. Schofield plunged down the branch into the full glare of the fire, where a crowd of men had already gathered. As good luck would have it there was not a vessel tied up to the stand, the whole fleet being made fast to its moorings in the bay.