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Socrates, on the other hand, was evidently something of a bore, with a bore's unrelieved earnestness and inopportune persistence. His saying about "letting the talk lead us where it will," is an exact description of Johnson's practice, but nothing could be less like his own.

I observe also in some old books accounts of a feast of "cakes and ales" being usual. In the book of Christmasse Carolles, by Wynkyn de Worde in 1521, are the following verses on bringing in the Boar's head: Upon the young prince's coronation, 1170, Henry II. "served his son at the table as server, bringing up the bore's head with trumpets before it, according to the manner." Hollinshed.

There was no question of precedence or any such nonsense. Everybody knew everybody else, with one exception. Colonel Raleigh was a comparative stranger. But he was a likable old fellow, full of stories of the wild, free West, an excellent listener besides, who always stopped a goodly distance on the right side of what is known in polite circles as the bore's dead-line.

Every train brought to the capital some suitor with a consonated, hyphenated name and a pedigree as long as a bore's idea of a funny story. But the princess did not care for pedigrees that were squint-eyed or bow-legged. One and all of them she cast aside as unworthy her consideration. Then, like the ancient worm, the duke turned.

The boar's head was stuffed "with branches of rosemary, "it appears with trumpets playing, so that "it was a grande syghte." It would appear they had grand doings at the inns of court during Christmas. The usual dish at the first course at dinner was "a large bore's head upon a silver platter, with minstralsye." Dugdale's Orig. Jur.

It is nothing to say that they were attentive to him; they doted on him. They called him in their simple way, L'ANGE ANGLAIS the English Angel. When our bore left the valley, there was not a dry eye in the place; some of the people attended him for miles. And if you want really to know the pastoral people of Switzerland, and to understand them, mention, in that valley, our bore's name!

The balance of power in Europe, the machinations of the Jesuits, the gentle and humanising influence of Austria, the position and prospects of that hero of the noble soul who is worshipped by happy France, are all easy reading to our bore's brother. And our bore is so provokingly self-denying about him!

It is often attempted, but seldom or never successfully. He hides in his den, but not at home will not always do. The lion is too civil to shut the door in the bore's very face, though he mightily wishes to do so.

Our bore liked his eye, and said, 'Mr. Jilkins, I have a presentiment that you will do me good. Jilkins's reply was characteristic of the man. It was, 'Sir, I mean to do you good. This confirmed our bore's opinion of his eye, and they went into the case together went completely into it. Jilkins then got up, walked across the room, came back, and sat down. His words were these.

My servant then stated I was out, and begged the visitor to apply to the manager. Sometimes it happened that I erred in my judgment, and regretted having granted an audience; but I had another mode of shortening a bore's visit. I had placed behind the sofa on which I sat an electric spring, communicating with a bell my servant could hear.