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"At that moment, shipmates, a strong gust o' cold air came rushin' down the passage we was in, and blow'd out the candle. `Ah! it's gone out, said the landlord; `just wait here a moment, and I'll light it; and with that he shuffled off, and left me in the blackest and most thickest darkness I ever wos in in all my life.

Nora put her pretty lips to her grandmother's ear and gave the desired information, whereupon the old lady looked solemnly at her spouse, and laying her hand on the dictionary, said, with strong though quivering emphasis: "now, John, mark my words, I 'ave a settled conviction that that light'ouse will come to a bad end. It's sure to be burnt or blow'd over."

Two days later a patrol was found at the foot o the Devil's Chimney, heads bashed in. Blow'd over o course! Week a'terwards petty officer found drowned in dew-pond top o Warren Hill. Accident o course! Next day common seaman hung in his own braces Jevington Holt. Suicide o course!

At its height, Sedgwick and Jordan stood watching the majesty of the forces exhausting their fury around them, when Jordan said: "Jim, I needed this. Yo' know how grand ther other ship wur; yo' know how great and strong this ship are. Well, watchin' both, a senseless kind uv pride cum over me, and I sed ter myself over and over, 'This ere ship cud outride any gale whatever blow'd. Look now!

Jacky's eyes became still more owlishly wide, and his face graver than ever. He had never seen him in this condition before indeed, Jacky's experience of life beyond the nursery being limited, he had never seen any one in such a case before. "I say, Peter, are you desprit blow'd?" "Desprit," sighed Peter. Jacky paused and gazed at his companion for nearly a minute.

Cape Egmont bore about North-East, and we were about 4 Leagues from the Shore in that direction; in this situation had 40 fathoms Water. Sunday, 14th. P.M., had a Gentle Breeze at West. In the evening came to North-West by West and Continued so all night and blow'd a fresh breeze; we steer'd along shore East-South-East and South-East by East, keeping between 2 and 3 Leagues off. At 1/2 past 7 p.m.

Last time I fire 'im was at a raven. Down hoed de raven, blow'd to atims, an' down hoed me too cause de drefful t'ing kicks like a Texas mule. But bress you, I don' mind dat. I's used to it!" Buttercup gave a little sniff of grave scorn with her flat nose, as though to intimate that the ordinary ills of life were beneath her notice.

In the P.M. had the wind Whifling all round the Compass, sometimes blowing a fresh Gale, and at other times almost Calm. At 5 o'Clock it fixed at West-South-West, and soon blow'd so hard as to put us past our Topsails, and to split the foresail all to pieces. After getting another to the Yard, we continued standing to the Southward under 2 Courses.

I wos the bo's'n of that unfortunate frigate, but I is so no longer." Dick said this in a melancholy tone, and thereafter meditated for a few moments in silence. "No," he resumed with a heavy sigh, "the Talisman's blow'd up, an' her bo's'n's out on the spree so to speak, though it ain't a cheerful spree by no means.

Dick said this in a melancholy tone, and thereafter meditated for a few moments in silence. "No," he resumed with a heavy sigh, "the Talisman's blow'd up, an' her bo's'n's out on the spree, so to speak though it ain't a cheerful spree, by no means. "You are mistaken, my man," said Gascoyne, with a sad smile; "nothing is further from my thoughts."