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When Wilmot Allen left Blizzard's house, he went direct to a barber-shop, where he remained for three hundred years. During this period, he lost his beard and thereby regained his self-respect. It took him a hundred years to reach the Grand Central, and a thousand more to get from there to Clovelly. "I got your telegram," said Barbara. "When?" he asked anxiously. She broke into a sudden smile.

The amusement went out of Blizzard's face; the tenderness remained. There was one thing that he was determined to do with his life, and that was to make Rose a good husband. And he was very fond of her, and she could make him laugh, but it wasn't going to be very easy, as long as the image of another girl persisted in haunting him.

What made a hell of your life has made a hell of mine." The look of cold hatred in Blizzard's face changed at once to curiosity. "Really?" he said; "you mean that?" "It is the truth." Blizzard considered, and then shook his head. "No," he said, "it couldn't be the same.

Blizzard's office, where he held the threads of many enterprises, became a sort of clearing-house for East Side troubles.

And now, after following the trail for one uneventful day, Kid Wolf had left it in search of water. A line of lofty cottonwoods on the eastern horizon marked the course of a meandering stream and The Kid had been glad of the chance to turn Blizzard's head toward it.

The hurtling snow-particles rattled upon the blinds and against the clapboards like small shot. Deforrest Young came out of the house and fought his way against the blizzard's buffeting down the hill to the Skinner shack. Stumbling, he fell against the door. "It's I, Tess," he shouted. The girl lifted the bar and admitted him.

Garvey and Shank, acting quicker than their red allies, drew their revolvers. "Get him! Shoot 'em down!" they yelled. But Kid Wolf had seized the gun he had placed in Blizzard's stirrup. He dropped to his knees to the sand, just as lead hummed over his head. Dave Robbins had struck one of the amazed Apaches and had jerked his rifle away from him.

She was very late to her dinner, but much too amused with recent events to care. And nobody could have made her believe that her going to Blizzard's place had been fraught with terrible peril. She prized the whistle that Kid Shannon had given her, and resolved that some time she would adventure again into his part of the city, and see if she could bring him running to her side.

"Cap," said he, with no prelude, "the whole country below'll be froze out. This blizzard's awful." "I know it," said Franklin. "We must get out with help soon as we can. How far down do you think the danger line begins?" "Well, up to three or four miles out it's thicker settled, an' most o' the folks could git into town.

Dawn began to glow pink and orange behind them, and gradually the dim, star-studded vault overhead became gray with the new day. Shortly afterward, they reached the water hole. It was nearly dry, but enough moisture remained to refresh both horse and riders. Then they went on again. Kid Wolf could, tell by Blizzard's actions that they were being followed. Before long he himself saw signs.