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He found Nellie seated in the chair by the little table, and weeping. Taken aback as he had been by the strange doings of Nat's schooner, his dismay then was a feeble imitation of the panic that smote him now. It had long been a favorite formula of Bijonah's that "A schooner's a gal you can understand. She goes where ye send her, an' ye know she'll come back when ye tell her to.

And so successfully had Jed Martin stolen Bijonah's thunder that he had left but three hours later when the fish had been dressed. Schofield was honest with himself, and he waited until morning to see if the great stacks of fish would not settle enough to allow of another day's work to be crowded in. But when he saw that space above the fish was very small he waited no longer.

Schofield smiled broadly in the darkness. Bijonah's little turns along the water-front of St. John's or any other port had been the subject for much prayer and supplication in the hearts of many devout persons thoroughly interested in their neighbor's welfare. And of late years Ma Tanner had been making trips with him to supply stimulus to his conscience. "What were they talking about?"

Instead, he tried to shake off his troubles long enough to study the fish which was his job on the Charming Lass. While not a Bijonah Tanner, Code bade fair to be his equal at Bijonah's age. He came of a father with an instinct for fish, and he had inherited that instinct fully.

Code looked in amazement at the old man, but not for long. A moment's thought concerning Tanner's recently acquired relation made his suspicion doubly sure that Nat Burns's name had been on Bijonah's tongue. He immediately dropped the subject and after a little while took his departure.