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Consequently, when Edison, two weeks later, also invented a transmitter, the prior claim of Berliner was for a time wholly ignored. Later the Bell Company bought Berliner's patent and took up his side of the case.

The spring and autumn parades of the Berlin garrison on the Tempelhofer Field an area large enough, it is said, to hold the massed armies of Europe with their gatherings of from 30,000 to 60,000 troops of all arms, serve at once to excite the Berliner's martial enthusiasm, while at the same time it obscurely reminds him that if he treats the dynasty disrespectfully he will have a formidable repressive force to reckon with.

It is impossible to enlarge in these notes upon the several Jewish scholars referred to by Benjamin. The actual distance is about fifty-three English miles. H. Berliner's work Die Geschichte der Juden in Rom. Benjamin occasionally embodies in his work fantastic legends told him, or recorded by his predecessors. His authorities lived in the darkest period of the Middle Ages.

The title of the series of papers is Die Organisation der juedischen Gemeinden. A. Berliner's Beitraege zur Geschichte der Raschi-Commentare, Berlin, 1903, p. 3. Benjamin's travels occupied the years 1166 to 1171, and his narrative is at once informing and entertaining. The motives for his extensive journeys through Europe, Asia, and Africa are thus summed up by Mr.

The embankments which regulated the flow of the Euphrates and Tigris have given way, and at the present time the whole region round Babylon is marshy and malarious. See Dr. Berliner's Beiträge zur Geographie und Ethnographie Babyloniens; also Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, p. 469. Cf.

A sense of gaiety pervaded the place, organised and recognised, as though it were as much part of a Berliner's duty to himself, the Fatherland, and the Almighty to be gay when the labours of the day are over as to be serious during business hours. He goes through it with a grave face and enjoys himself prodigiously.