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Belcha's Brigands Pale-Red Republicans The Hyena More about the San Margarita Arrival of a Republican Column The Jaunt to Los Pasages A Sweet Surprise "The Prettiest Girl in Spain" A Madrid Acquaintance A Costly Pull The Diligence at Last Renteria and its Defences A Furious Ride In France Again Unearthing Santa Cruz The Outlaw in his Lair Interviewed at Last The Truth about the Endarlasa Massacre A Death-Warrant The Buried Gun Fanaticism of the Partisan-Priest.

The band of one Belcha, which was hovering in the neighbourhood of San Sebastian, had a shady reputation. It would be unjust to tempt these simple-minded guerrilleros with the sight of a Derringer, a hunting-watch, a tobacco-pouch, or a reconnoitring-glass. All these articles are useful on the hills. But even Belcha's looters had some conscience; they drew the line at money and wedding-rings.

He had an idea that would commend itself to Belcha's bushwhackers, but it was not entertained.

Carlist sympathizers endeavoured to procure me a conveyance to Irun, but nobody cared to affront the loss of horses, for Belcha's band requisitioned the cattle even of those identical in political feeling the good of the cause was their plea so at last I was forced to say I should be glad of a trap to Los Pasages, a few miles off, whence I might be able to go forward on foot.