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And I hope," added Miss Jessamine, desperate with the results of experience "that the General knows that Boys will be Boys." What mischief could be foreseen, Jackanapes promised to guard against. The General arrived, and for the first day all went well, except that Jackanapes' hair was as wild as usual, for the hair-dresser had no bear's-grease left.

Here Hempel passed through the store, clad in his Sunday best, his hair plastered flat with bear's-grease. "Going out for a stroll?" asked his master. "That was my h'intention, sir. I don't think you'll find I've left any of my dooties undone." "Oh, go, by all means!" said Mahony curtly, nettled at having his harmless query misconstrued.

Tongs," whom that hideous old bald woman, who ties on her bonnet at the glass, informs that "she has used the whole bottle of Balm of California, but her hair comes off yet." You can see the bear's-grease not only on Tongs's head but on his hands, which he is clapping clammily together.

He was stutteringly nervous; and there were some evidences that he had been ineffectually striving to mitigate his nervousness by the consumption of his namesake. He wore a new dress-coat which had not the remotest pretensions to fit him, and the bear's-grease which he had freely used gave unpleasant token of rancidity. The dinner was an unsatisfactory performance.

Their guns had to be re-stocked, and a new handle put into the axe as well as a shaft into the boar-spear of Ossaroo for all the woodwork of these weapons had been broken up and burnt into ashes in the manufacture of the candles of bear's-grease that had lighted them out of the cave.

"And then it was that, as he sat in front of the glass, looking at his own face, while he was brushing his hair and whiskers, and brightening them up with bear's-grease, he began to think of his father and mother, and what they had said, and what he had best do. "'An excellent, well-meaning couple, of course, but as old-fashioned as the clocks they used to mend, was his first thought.

A run on bear's-grease and hair-oil lent a shining halo to nearly every head the camp could boast. Then the groups began to gather near the open shop of the smith. "We'd ought to have a bell," suggested Lufkins, the teamster. "Churches always ring the bell to let the parson know it's time he was showin' up to start the ball." "Well, I'll string up a bar of steel," said Webber.

These Indians, though naturally gentle, yet turned unfriendly regards at first on the party, but, soon recovering from surprise at the appearance of the French, treated them with great hospitality; one of their attentions to the supposed wants of the visitors being to rub their wearied legs with bear's-grease and buffalo fat.

We have only to make a couple of turbans out of bath-towels and a few peacock feathers; turn Persian shawls, which we can borrow, into kilts, put on slippers, bare our legs and paint them with red and blue stripes crossed, to indicate something of Scottish Highland origin, anoint our noses with blue bear's-grease, and "

As for romance, it is all done; I have spent that out, and am old before my time I'm proud of it." "Stuff!" growled the other, "you fancied you were getting bald the other day, and bragged about it as you do about everything. But you began to use the bear's-grease pot directly the hairdresser told you; and are scented like a barber ever since."