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It appears that one black had stuck to his canoe, and on the ship's boat nearing it, had thrown a spear into Barret's arm, and was on the eve of throwing another at him, when Barrett shot him. I went into the canoe, and examined the black, and found the ball had gone through his body, entering on the one side and coming out on the other side.

Now, why don't you just get aboard and stop being so ridiculously superstitious!" Connel could have reached out with one of his big hands and squeezed Barret's neck to shut him up. Instead of allaying their fears, which even he would admit were real enough, the man was creating further resentment with his attack on their pride as thinking, reasoning men. "All right, all right!" he bellowed.

They turned the corner of the mansion as he spoke, and certainly did come on Barret's friends, in circumstances, however, which seemed quite unaccountable at first sight, for there, in front of the open door, were not only Bob Mabberly, Giles Jackman, Skipper McPherson, James McGregor, Pat Quin, and Robin Tips, but also Mrs Gordon, the two boy Gordons named respectively, Eddie and Junkie Duncan, the butler, and little Flora, with a black wooden doll in her arms, all standing in more or less awkward attitudes, motionless and staring straight before them as if petrified with surprise or some kindred feeling.

"Weel, it's no' that bad as a spote," answered the keeper, with a grim smile, for he had not much opinion of Barret's spirit as a sportsman; "but it's ackward as the lawnd lies." "Never mind. I'll stay here, and you know, laird, that I have some pleasant associations with it in connection with your niece." "That is more than Milly has," returned the old gentleman, laughing.

He dropped them both unceremoniously on the deck, but when they jumped to their feet, Roger charged forward quickly and landed a stinging right to Barret's jaw. The man dropped to the deck again like a stone. "Manning!" roared Connel. "What was the idea?"

And confused was the expression of Barret's face when he admitted the fact, though he carefully avoided stating that his mind was taken up at the time with a very different kind of dear!

"Don't get waxy, old feller," said the performer in a youthful voice, "I ain't a-goin' to charge you nothink for it. I always do my music gratis; havin' a bee-nevolient turn o' mind." The door was slammed violently, and "Rule Britannia" immediately burst forth with renewed and pointed emphasis. Presently it ceased, and a knock came to Barret's door.

"Yes, sir!" said Roger, and while Connel, Astro, and Tom roared with laughter, he poured an entire bottle of water on Barret's face. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Shouting angrily, Barret sat in one of the pilot's chairs, flanked by Roger and Astro, while Connel and Tom stood in front of him firing questions.

"Keep a sherp look-oot, Shames," cried the skipper, suddenly, as he went forward with unwonted alacrity. A few minutes more and the sound which had at first been distinguished only by Barret's sharp ear, became audible to all the soft regular patting of a paddle-wheel steamer in the distance, yet clearly coming towards them.

Milly looked up as she said this, but there was an expression on Barret's face which induced her instantly to recur to scientific research. Now, good reader, if you think we are going further, and expect us rudely to draw aside the curtain here, and betray confidences, you are mistaken.