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"I would willingly escort the Comte de la Fere," said some one, "if I had not to speak to Monsieur d'Artagnan." "Who is that?" said D'Artagnan, looking into the darkness. "I, Monsieur d'Artagnan." "Heaven forgive me, if that is not Monsieur Baisemeaux's voice." "It is, monsieur." "What are you doing in the courtyard, my dear Baisemeaux?" "I am waiting your orders, my dear Monsieur d'Artagnan."

"For a friend such as you are," said Aramis "for so devoted a servant, I have no secrets;" and he put his mouth close to Baisemeaux's ear, as he said, in a low tone of voice, "you know the resemblance between that unfortunate fellow, and " "And the king? yes!" "Very good; the first use that Marchiali made of his liberty was to persist Can you guess what?" "How is it likely I should guess?"

Aramis was generally temperate; but on this occasion, while taking every care of his constitution, he did ample justice to Baisemeaux's breakfast, which, in all respects, was most excellent. The latter, on his side, was animated with the wildest gayety; the sight of the five thousand pistoles, which he glanced at from time to time, seemed to open his heart.

"Who is Marchiali?" "The prisoner who was brought back this morning by M. d'Herblay." "He is called Marchiali?" said the superintendent, his conviction somewhat shaken by Baisemeaux's cool manner. "Yes, monseigneur; that is the name under which he was inscribed here."

"Will it be agreeable to your lordship to breakfast now?" said he; "for you are right in supposing that breakfast was announced." "Assuredly, my dear governor," and they passed into the dining-room. Aramis was generally temperate; but on this occasion, while taking every care of his constitution, he did ample justice to Baisemeaux's breakfast, which, in all respects, was most excellent.

And so at the very climax of Baisemeaux's dissertation, Aramis suddenly interrupted him. "Tell me, my dear Baisemeaux," said he, "have you never had any other diversions at the Bastile than those at which I assisted during the two or three visits I have had the honor to pay you?"

"Will it be agreeable to your lordship to breakfast now?" said he; "for you are right in supposing that breakfast was announced." "Assuredly, my dear governor," and they passed into the dining-room. The Breakfast at Monsieur de Baisemeaux's

If your heart dictates you to deliver Seldon also, I declare to you I will not oppose it the least in the world." Aramis accompanied this remark with a smile, the irony of which effectually dispelled Baisemeaux's confusion of mind, and restored his courage.

"M. de Baisemeaux," said Aramis, turning round in his chair, "here is your servant, who wishes to speak with you;" and at this moment, De Baisemeaux's servant appeared at the threshold of the door. "What is it?" asked Baisemeaux, sharply. "Monsieur," said the man, "they are bringing you the doctor's return." Aramis looked at De Baisemeaux with a calm and confident eye.

Aramis was incessantly asking himself by what extraordinary chance Athos was there at Baisemeaux's when D'Artagnan was no longer there, and why D'Artagnan did not remain when Athos was there.