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"God, ay!" he went on; "you're making a nice job of him. He'll be a credit to the house. Oh, it's right, no doubt, that you should neglect your work till he consents to rise." "Eh, the puir la-amb," she protested, dwelling on the vowels in fatuous, maternal love; "the bairn's wearied, man! He's ainything but strong, and the schooling's owre sore on him." "Poor lamb, atweel," said Gourlay.

Gentle or semple shall not darken my door the day my bairn's been carried out a corpse." While she spoke thus, indulging the natural irritability of disposition and profession, which began to mingle itself with her grief when its first uncontrolled bursts were gone by, she held the door about one-third part open, and placed herself in the gap, as if to render the visitor's entrance impossible.

But when he came back, and the Bear asked him where he had been, since he was so fat about the paunch, he said: 'Don't you believe then that I was bidden to barsel, to a christening feast. 'So, so', said the Bear, 'and pray what was the bairn's name. 'Just-begun', said the Fox. So they lay down to sleep again.

In the years to come, mayhap, there'll be a wee grandchild nestling on your knee that'll circle its little arms about your neck and look into your wrinkled face, and ask you: "'How old are you, Grandpa? You're a very old man. "How will you answer that bairn's question?" So I asked the young men.

This had been a fair average season for Tammas, though of his four burials one had been a bairn's a mere bagatelle; but had it not been for the death of Little Rathie I would probably not have been out that year at all. The small farm of Little Rathie lies two miles from Thrums, and Tammas and I trudged manfully through the snow, adding to our numbers as we went.

If the hale hypothec were to fa', I think, laddie, I would dee! Excuse a daft wife that loves ye, and that kenned your mither. And for His name's sake keep yersel' frae inordinate desires; hand your heart in baith your hands, carry it canny and laigh; dinna send it up like a bairn's kite into the collieshangie o' the wunds!

And the General nodded, stretching himself weary on the chair. "Oh, ay! even then I wished myself younger, for she was not long beyond her teens, and walking beside her I would be feeling musty and old, though I was not really old, as my picture there above the chimneypiece will show. I was not old, in heart it pattered like a bairn's steps to every glimpse and sentence of her.

'John, what a fool you are! Ruby said to her spouse, when this opinion was expressed with rather a loud voice. 'Yes, I be, said John, 'but not such a fool as to a missed a having o' you. 'No, John; it was I was the fool then, said Ruby. 'We'll see about that when the bairn's born, said John, equally aloud. Then Ruby held her tongue.

"Weel," resumed the crucifier, "Birkiehaugh didna succeed thanks to Peter Finlayson, honest fallow and the lassie is safe again; but I hae made a vow, and I hope sae gude a ane will be regularly recorded whar it should be, that the first person wha tries to lay sae meikle as a finger on that bonny bairn's head, or blaw a single breath o' suspicion against her reputation, will meet wi' the just indignation o' Geordie Willison.

Bruce was anything but a quarrelsome man with other than his inferiors. He pocketed the lie very calmly. "Dinna lowse yer temper, Mr Doo. It's a sair fau't that." "Jist ye deliver up the bairn's effecks, or I'll gang to them that'll gar ye." "Wha micht that be, Mr Doo?" asked Bruce, wishing first to find out how far Dow was prepared to go.