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I ain't caayin' no double drinks to nobody. Dis ain't no camp-meetin' bar." But Chad's training had been too thorough to permit of his refusing sustenance or attention to any guest of his master's, no matter how unworthy, and it was not many minutes before he was picking over "de ba'el" containing that peculiar pungent variety of plant so common to the graveyards of Virginia.

"Well, if dat don't beat de lan'! Dey was two ba'els one had dat wild turkey an' de pair o' geese you see hangin' on de fence dar, an' de udder ba'el I jest ca'aed down de cellar full er oishters. De tar'pins was in dis box seben ob 'em. Spec' dat rapscallion crawled ober de fence?"

Tom Yancey nebber go s'long as de mint patch hol' out, an' de colonel bought putty near a ba'el ob it dis mawnin', an' anudder dimi-john from Mister Grocerman. Makes my blood bile to see dese Yanceys, anyhow. See dat carpet bag w'at he fotch wid him? Knowed w'at he had in it w'en he opened its mouf an' de jedge tuk his own clo'es outen it?

When a fellow hits him he hits back ha'dah, then the fellow comes back with anothah ha'dah still, an' then Grant up an' hits him a wallop that you heah a mile, an' so on an' so on." "You're right, Malachi. I was with him at Donelson and Shiloh and that's the way he did." "I reckon it's the right way. Is it true, colonel, that he taps the ba'el?" "Taps the barrel? What do you mean, Malachi?"