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Prior to that their works, except in certain authenticated instances, are not always distinguishable from those of other looms of which many existed in many towns. The mark alluded to is the famous one of two large B's on either side of a shield or scutcheon.

"Come on in, all of you," he called. "We'll liquor, and forget this." O'Brien pressed close to Barry. "Partner," he said rapidly, "you're clear now you're clear of more hell that you ever dream. Now climb that hoss of yours and feed him leather till you get clear of Brownsville and if I was you I'd never come within a day's ride of the Three B's again." The mild, brown eyes widened.

Her face lit up; she turned to him with a livelier expression than usual. "Yes, I think I can fairly say I have finished it," she said. "That is, omitting Swinburne Beowulf to Browning I rather like the two B's myself. Beowulf to Browning," she repeated, "I think that is the kind of title which might catch one's eye on a railway book-stall."

Now she turned to the B's and rapidly scanned the columns till she came to the Berkeleys. For generations there had been an Evelyn in the family. What a long, long time they had had to shape their lives by their motto, and grow worthy of their family traditions! No wonder that Evelyn had that air of gentle breeding and calm poise like Madam Chartley's.

His inquiry as to the home of Charles Dudley Warner caused him to be shown eagerly in that direction. Clemens, on his way back to the billiard-room, heard Mrs. Clemens call him she was ill that day: "Youth!" "Yes, Livy." He went in for a word. "George brought me Mr. B.'s card. I hope you were nice to him; the B's were so nice to us, once, in Europe, while you were gone." "The B's! Why, Livy!"

Early in September, I set forth on my voyage of discovery my voyages, I ought to say; for every day I and my pony-phaeton made our way to whatever garden within our reach bore a sufficiently high character to be suspected of harbouring the good Dahlia Phoebus. Monday we called at Lady A.'s; Tuesday at General B's; Wednesday at Sir John C's; Thursday at Mrs.

"I can add with the use of my fingers and subtract and divide and multiply at least I know the tables up through the twelves. Of what use will a's and b's and x's, y's and z's ever be to me?" "Constance, you know that's nonsense," Bobby told her.

And do we not all look about us in the pews, when he thus moralizes, to see who has prospered? The B's have taken a back seat, the C's have moved up nearer the pulpit. There is a reason for these things, my friends.

In other words, if A had one hundred acres with eighty acres of it in cultivation and otherwise improved, and B had one hundred acres beside him of just as good land, but not in cultivation or improved, B's land should be taxed as much as A's. In cities and towns taxation was to be upon a similar basis.

Most of the other "B's" were more fortunate about getting their things; nevertheless, they seemed far from easy in their minds, and though they protested almost tearfully that they'd nothing whatever to declare, stern persons in uniform stirred up their boxes as I used to do with the nursery pudding, when all the plums had sunk to the bottom.