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Meantime my mother had visited me, and denied all knowledge of her, only carrying away my little sisters, I believe because she found them on either side of my bed, telling me tales of their dear Cousin Aura's kindness.

The Very Young Man sat down suddenly in the garden path and covered his face with his hands. When he raised his head his friends were all standing round him, crowding the garden. The body of the man who had attacked him had disappeared. The Very Young Man looked up into Aura's face she was on her feet now with the others and tried to smile. "I'm all right," he repeated.

And all at once he found himself softly quoting some half-forgotten lines: "If I were king, ah, love! If I were king What tributary nations I would bring To bow before your scepter and to swear Allegiance to your lips and eyes and hair." Aura's questioning glance of surprise brought him to himself. "That is so pretty what is that?" she asked eagerly.

Hear them shouting; I mustn't stay here." He tried, weakly, to get upon his feet, but the girl's arm about his waist held him down. "Wait," she said. Surprised by the tenseness of her tone, he relaxed. The cry grew louder, rolling up from a thousand voices and echoing back and forth across the amphitheater. The Very Young Man wondered vaguely what it could mean. He looked into Aura's face.

A single step sidewise and they were back nearly at the river's bank; the water seethed white under their tread. The Very Young Man's right arm hung limp behind him; the boulder in his hand dangled a hundred feet or more in the air above the water. Slowly the greater strength of his antagonist bent him backwards. Aura's heart stood still as she saw Targo's fingers at the Very Young Man's throat.

His eyes were fixed on the strip of garden he could see beyond the doorway. Suddenly Aura's enormous body came into view, as she stooped and then lay prone upon the ground. Her face was close to the door; she was looking in. The Very Young Man gave another cry, half stifled.

"See you next Saturday, Miss Arundel, if I'm alive " Hilliard drummed on the counter with his fingertips and frowned. His puzzled eyes wove a pattern of inquiry from the men to the girl and back. One of them, a ruddy-faced, town boy, lingered. He had had a drop too much of The Aura's hospitality. He rested rather top-heavily against the bar and stretched out his hand.

In our land women are only different from men. They know they are not better or worse only different." The Very Young Man was thinking of a girl he once knew. "I hate clever girls," he blurted out. Aura's eyes were teasing him again. "I am so sorry," she said sadly. The Very Young Man looked his surprise. "Why are you sorry?" "My sister, she once told me I was clever.

"When she spoke her words rhymed." They chatted and Bethurum learned that he was on the "Admiral's scow" the command ship of Clarion's fleet of saucers. All in all, Bethurum made eleven visits to Aura's scow. Each time they'd sit and talk. Bethurum told her about the earth and she told of the idyllic, Shangri-La type planet of Clarion a yet undiscovered planet which is always opposite the moon.

Finally they decided to follow Aura's plan and run the boat to the beach under her guidance; then to take the drug. There were few people around the lake front at this hour; the beach itself, as far as they could see, was entirely deserted, and the danger of discovery seemed slight.