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Davis was placed at Mrs. Atterbury's right, Mrs. Sprague at her left, General Lee sat at Vincent's right, vis-

Kate, struggling with her tears, told the story so far as she knew it, but of course she knew little beyond the mere fact that Wesley had come to his death in Mrs. Atterbury's room; that Jack stood over him with the smoking pistol, and owned that he had fired in the darkness.

She was, paradoxically, his kind of a person such was the form the puzzle took. And so ably had she presented her difficulties that, at one point of the discussion, it had ironically occurred to him to refer her to Gordon Atterbury. Mr. Atterbury's faith was like an egg, and he took precious care not to have it broken or chipped. Hodder found himself smiling.

And there was her father, with all his ability and genius, couldn't see it either, but fondly imagined that Alison as Gordon Atterbury's wife, would magically become an Atterbury and a bourgeoise, see that the corners were dusted in the big house, sew underwear for the poor, and fast in Lent." "And she is happy where she is?" he inquired somewhat naively. "She is self-sufficient," said Mrs.

"They don't seem unhappy, that's a fact," Olympia said, reflectively, "but I should think ownership in flesh and blood would harden people; and yet the Atterburys are very kind and gentle. I saw tears in Mrs. Atterbury's eyes, yesterday, when mamma was sitting here with you." "Yes," Jack said, unconsciously, "women enjoy crying " "You insufferable braggart, how dare you talk like that?

She was, paradoxically, his kind of a person such was the form the puzzle took. And so ably had she presented her difficulties that, at one point of the discussion, it had ironically occurred to him to refer her to Gordon Atterbury. Mr. Atterbury's faith was like an egg, and he took precious care not to have it broken or chipped. Hodder found himself smiling.

And there was her father, with all his ability and genius, couldn't see it either, but fondly imagined that Alison as Gordon Atterbury's wife, would magically become an Atterbury and a bourgeoise, see that the corners were dusted in the big house, sew underwear for the poor, and fast in Lent." "And she is happy where she is?" he inquired somewhat naively. "She is self-sufficient," said Mrs.

Charity bends down only to lift others up. And with all our works, our expenditure and toil, how many have we lifted up?" Gordon Atterbury's indignation got the better of him. For he was the last man to behold with patience the shattering of his idols. "I think you have cast an unwarranted reflection on those who have built and made this church what it is, Mr. Hodder," he exclaimed.

"Here's Wainwright's 'Brief Description of the Ohio River, With some Account of the Savages Living Thereon' published in London in 1732, and there are only three copies in existence. This is Atterbury's 'Chronicle of the Chesapeake Settlements' the best thing I have.

"You treat us shamefully," he informed her, "upon my word! But I'm coming to call." "Do," said Alison. Hodder caught her eye again, and this time he was sure that she surprised in him a certain disdain of Mr. Atterbury's zeal. Her smile was faint, yet unmistakable. He resented it.