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I march'd very pensively, lamenting the Murder of my Ship-mates, and often wish'd the Negro who saved me had been less charitable; for I began to doubt I was reserved for future Tortures, and to be made a Spectacle to their Wives and Children; when my Protector coming up to me, said, No be sadd, Sam, you no scavez me? I ask'd if his Name was not Cuffey, Mr. Tenant's Negro?

Aboard the Godsend I could hear the anchor lifting, and the men singing, as, holding Molly's bridle, I held out my hand to the dear maid who with me had shar'd so many a peril. "Is there any more to come?" she ask'd. "No," said I, and God knows my heart was heavy: "nothing to come but 'Farewell!" She laid her small hand in my big palm, and glancing up, said very pretty and demur

In short, he had about Twenty, signed by the General and chief Officers, which spoke him a Fool of singular Gallantry. When I had return'd them, I ask'd, in what he thought I could serve him? "I beg, said he, you wou'd recommend me to the Minister to be provided for as a superannuated Officer; your Honour cannot do an Act of greater Charity."

When Maria had come a little to herself, I ask'd her if she remembered a pale thin person of a man, who had sat down betwixt her and her goat about two years before?

He had scarce done with the woman, when he pull'd off his hat to another who was coming the same way. An ancient gentleman came slowly and, after him, a young smart one. He let them both pass, and ask'd nothing. I stood observing him half an hour, in which time he had made a dozen turns backwards and forwards, and found that he invariably pursued the same plan.

She had neither spoken nor stirr'd, but now came forward, and calmly ask'd my business. "I think," said I, "that your name is Killigrew?" "I am Delia Killigrew, and this is my father, Sir Deakin." "Now on his way to visit his estates in Cornwall?" She nodded. "Then I have to warn you that your lives are in danger." And, gently as possible, I told her what I had seen and heard downstairs.

After this I took my leave of the Old Turk, who pressed my hand cordially; I ask'd his permission to go on shore, but he would not give it, saying that it was a horrid sight and that most likely I should be shot myself.

Then march'd he to mine Uncle and ask'd was Mistress Jessamine to oversee the Overseer, and call him hard Names for the whipping of a Troublesome Nigger? And my Uncle fell into a Fury With me. Allowed the wretch to Triumph. Shooba was whipt again. I saw his Back.

We conversed on different topics, but more particularly on the politics of Turkey and Greece. I ask'd him if he meant to strike the iron while it was hot, and get on to Hydra, and strike a blow there, telling him at the same time that I was going to the Naval Islands on business and should tell all I had seen. He replied, "No, I love the Hydriotes."

This Evening, came down some Toteros, tall, likely Men, having great Plenty of Buffelos, Elks, and Bears, with other sort of Deer amongst them, which strong Food makes large, robust Bodies. Enquiring of them, if they never got any of the Bezoar Stone, and giving them a Description how it was found, the Indians told me, they had great plenty of it; and ask'd me, What use I could make of it?