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Out went the men in a hurry, and, hearing Arietta's voice shouting a warning to them, the scout drew his revolvers, and with one in either hand bounded out after the outlaws. One of the first things he saw was the form of Cap Roche hanging from the ledge. The rope had looped him about the body and pinioned his arms at the same time.

Arietta's horse had been seized by the bit, and a ruffianly fellow stood holding him with one hand, while his other held a revolver that was pointed at the girl's breast. The rest of the party had succeeded in getting around a bend, but Wild knew they would not go very far.

Methought he strove to shine more than ordinarily in his Talkative Way, that he might insult my Silence, and distinguish himself before a Woman of Arietta's Taste and Understanding. She had often an Inclination to interrupt him, but could find no Opportunity, 'till the Larum ceased of its self; which it did not 'till he had repeated and murdered the celebrated Story of the Ephesian Matron.

But his action checked the others from coming out, and the curtain went down in a jiffy. Arietta's action in lifting it had caused the log to fall and pull it up to its full height. "That's putty good, I reckon," said Charlie, smiling grimly. "Is Wild all right, Arietta?" "He is safe for the present, I think," was the girl's reply. "They are waiting for the captain to come.