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Unfortunately, the natives, who were on the high ground on our right flank as we faced about, perceived the snare, and endeavoured to give the alarm by blowing upon their whistles of antelope's horn. This was either misunderstood, or unheeded by the enemy in our rear, who quickly made their appearance.

I landed with all the dignity of a prince, when the royal band struck up a march, and we all moved on to Rumanika's frontier palace, talking away in a very complimentary manner, not unlike the very polite and flowery fashion of educated Orientals. Rumanika we found sitting dressed in a wrapper made of an nzoe antelope's skin, smiling blandly as we approached him.

The camel being relieved of both the load and its saddle, I ordered the Arabs to fasten together all their ropes; these, being made of twisted antelope's hide, were immensely strong, and, as I had established a rule that seven extra bundles should invariably accompany the water-camel, we had a large supply.

Hamilcar said to them: "Beat away at the swords! I shall want them." And he drew the antelope's skin that had been steeped in poisons from his bosom to have it cut into a cuirass more solid than one of brass and unassailable by steel or flame.

"My brother's squaw's tongue was forked the antelope's tongue is not forked, she cannot lie," said the chief. "Look here, chief; they are all alike. When they say they will have you, they mean they will if they don't get out of the notion of it." "My brother's heart is dark, and, looking through it, he sees nothing but gloom, where I see sunshine," returned the chief.

It was also used to color the eyeballs not only of men, but also of the colossal lions and bulls. Sometimes, when the eyeball was thus marked, a line of black was further carried round the inner edge of both the upper and the lower eyelid. In one place black bars have been introduced to ornament an antelope's horns.

Meanwhile, the antelope's head was fully cooked, and the women and children falling on it like wild beasts, tore off the scorched fleece and snatched the charred flesh from the bones with their fingers greedily. It was a hideous sight; it sickened him to see it. By and by Granville heard a loud voice outside. He listened in surprise. It sounded as though Barolong had another prisoner.

The ponies were coming down upon the quarry at an acute angle. The antelope's beautiful, spidery legs flashed back and forth like piston-rods, or the spokes of a fast-rolling wheel. They could scarcely be seen clearly. In five minutes the antelope would have drawn far enough away from the chase to be safe and he could have kept up his pace for half an hour. Frances was near, however.

He had a skin of the same color and a white tail, that retreating flag-of-truce so familiar to our overland emigrants. His feet, head, and body were shaped like the antelope's, and his eye had that liquid tenderness so often observed in the agile rover near the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Gazelles abound through the Amoor valley to within a hundred miles of the sea-coast.

Yet slow and cautious as he was, the antelope's head went up sharply. So did Butler's rifle. He took quick aim and pulled the trigger. The report of his shot went crashing from wall to wall, like a series of heavy shots. The freckle-faced boy leaped to his feet, and to one side, with rifle ready for another shot in case he had missed. But he had not.