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Dropping the thumb with a little scream of satisfaction, she sidled briskly up and down MacAllister's shoulder, making herself quite at home. "My, but she's taken a shine to you, Mr. MacAllister!" exclaimed the Boy. "I never saw her do like that before." The Boss grinned proudly. "Ananias-an'-Sapphira be of the female sect, bain't she?" inquired Baldy Pallen, with a sly look over the company.

In his panic he fairly tumbled from his perch to the floor, and straightway fled for refuge to the broad back of the surprised and flattered pig. "The little critter's all right!" declared MacPhairrson, when he and the Boy were done laughing. "Ananias-an'-Sapphira won't hurt him. She likes all the critters she kin bully an' skeer.

"Angus," said the old woodsman presently, by way of an attempt at thanks, "ye're a wonderful hand with the dumb critters not that one could rightly call Ananias-an'-Sapphira dumb, o' course 'n' I swear I couldn't never have kep' 'em lookin' so fine and slick all through the summer. I reckon " But he never finished that reckoning.

Presently MacPhairrson straightened up on his crutches, turned, and gulped down a lump in his throat. "I reckon we'll be mighty contented here," said he, "me an' Stumpy, an' Butters, an' Bones. But I wisht as how I might git to have Ananias-an'-Sapphira back along with us. I'm goin' to miss that there bird a lot, fer all she was so ridiculous an' cantankerous.