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The boundaries of the "City of the Horizon," Akhnaton's new capital, the seat of the heretic King, were so carefully laid down and defined by him that there has been no mistaking its exact size and circumference. Michael was going to the original tomb of Akhnaton, cut out of the hills which formed a half-crescent round the city, like a bay, reaching back from the river.

"It is difficult," Margaret said, "to know how far wars and empire-building, and everything that makes for worldly-ambition and encourages the vanity of monarchs, are compatible with the true meaning of the words 'God is Love, with the true conception of Christ's doctrines." "Which were Akhnaton's," Michael said. "He did all in his power to raise the morals of his people.

"'Verily those who do deeds of real goodness shall drink of a cup tempered with camphor'! Well, is it tempered enough, Michael?" She laughed mockingly, derisively. "Was the deed pure goodness? Was this fanatic not the 'favoured of God' who was to lead you to Akhnaton's treasure?" "Go!" he cried. "I have heard enough!" "And take all my provisions and medicines with me!"

"Look," Margaret said, "look at it now it is God, walking in the desert." For a little time they stood together, their material forms side by side. Michael's house-boy, with a deferential salaam, suddenly informed him that his bath had been waiting for him and was now cold. Before Michael hurried off Margaret said, "Thank you for my first lesson in Akhnaton's worship." She held out her hands.

He knew that they were skirting an ancient oasis. Perhaps the travellers had come from it. He was still some distance from Tel-el-Amarna not the modern Tel-el-Amarna or Haggi Kandil, which lies about five miles back from the banks of the river, where passengers travelling by railway alight when they come from Cairo to visit the ruins of the ancient city but the ruins of Akhnaton's capital.

At the point on the Nile where Akhnaton chose to build his city, the limestone cliffs go back from the river about three miles, returning to it some six miles further on. Michael's objective was not the ruins of Akhnaton's city, but the desert and the hills which lie beyond it.

By dawn the camp would be on its way to its objective, the hills beyond the outline of the lost "City of the Horizon." Abdul, the visionary and the pious Moslem, was as keen about reaching Akhnaton's treasure as Pizarro was obsessed with the reports of the wealth of Peru. For half of that short night Michael tried unsuccessfully to sleep.

It was so long since she had read anything about Akhnaton's Aton-worship that she could not have composed the sentences in exactly the manner of the Pharaoh's writing if she had set herself down in a retired place and tried very hard to remember his style and his language.

The sky was changing from a cold grey to the opalescence of dawn. A line of light was slowly appearing and widening on the horizon. As it spread and grew more distinct, the luminous figure became less clear; the rays of Aton shone less vividly. Akhnaton's spirit had come forth from the Underworld to see the sun rise on the world he so passionately loved.

Don't you think there's a little fire for all that smoke?" "We heard all these wonderful reports, but we have found no trace of any treasure. What the native reported was that he, along with some other fellahin, had accidentally come across some traces of ancient masonry, not far from Akhnaton's tomb.