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The act's closin'." Evidently he was the directing genius of the performance, for at that moment the chorus broke into full cry, and he said, hurriedly: "Wait a minute. There goes the finally," and dashed away to tend his drops and switches. When the curtain was down and the principals had sought their dressing-rooms he returned. "Do you know Mr. Glenister?" she asked. "Sure. I seen him to-night.

"I'd ought to have been using my own face in that scene," she said. Then she patted his shoulder and told him that he was a good boy. The pretending tight-rope walker had paused to applaud. "Your act's flopping, Bo," said Miss Montague. "Work fast." Then she again addressed the good boy: "Wait till you've watched that scene before you thank me," she said shortly.

Looking at it dispassionately, I find it the extreme, ragged, outermost edge of the limit. Freddie had the correct description of it. He's a great critic." "I really do think it's the worst thing I have ever seen." "I don't know what plays you have seen, but I feel you're right." "Perhaps the second act's better," said Jill optimistically. "It's worse.

And, moreover, she could quite understand the impulse that sent an innocent man to toss a handkerchief into the fire and let them ponder on the act's significance. The act may have been foolhardy and certainly had the youthful flavour of bravado; none the less in her eyes the man achieved through it a sort of magnificence. He stood looking at her very gravely and gravely she returned the look.

When it dawned upon her what he meant, her own anger was still greater than her sense of her act's folly. But she found no ready answer to his accusation. She was not without reason; in their present predicament she was a fool to have done a thing like that; she could hardly believe that she had done it.

"Mister Mulworth! How long will Claude take making the cuts, do you think?" "He'll have to stick at them all through the next act. If they're not made the act's a fizzle! Jeremy! See here! We've got to have a pin-light on Miss Mardon when she comes down that staircase!" He escaped. "Signor Meroni, I hear you have to make some cuts! D'you think " "Signora ma si! Ma si!" He escaped.

"Rose, it's your turn!" shouted Bordenave. "The second act's being begun again." "Off with you then," continued Mignon, "and let me arrange matters." Then he began bantering, despite all his troubles, and was pleased to congratulate Fauchery on his piece. A very strong piece! Only why was his great lady so chaste? It wasn't natural!

The main avenue was once more clear, and, save for a few workers hastening on unknown errands, deserted. "That act's over," sighed Dennis. "But it may well be no more than a curtain raiser to the acts to come. Shall we be on our way? We're hardly on the fringe of the termitary yet and I want to get at the heart of it, and into the depths far beneath it.

I noticed, however, that they wore an expression of relief at the enthusiastic reception my play had received. But an encounter with Kit and Malim was altogether charming. They had had some slight quarrel on the way to the theatre, and had found a means of reconciliation in their mutual emotion at the pathos of the first act's finale.

The Congress must give early attention to a number of important bills which remain. These bills would: strengthen the laws against discrimination in housing. Until it is enacted, the 1968 Civil Rights Act's promise of equal access to housing will remain unfulfilled; establish a charter for the FBI and the intelligence agencies.