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The normal quantity of this gas contained in the air we breathe is 0.04; one per cent, of it causes distress in breathing; two per cent, is dangerous; four per cent, extinguishes life, and four per cent of it is contained in air expelled from the lungs. According to Dr.

==================================================================== Carbohy- Water Protein Fat drates Ash Barley. 10.9 12.4 1.8 72.5 2.4 Buckwheat. 12.6 10.0 2.2 73.2 2.0 Corn. 9.3 9.9 2.8 76.3 1.5 Kafir corn. 16.8 6.6 3.8 70.6 2.2 Oats. 11.0 11.8 5.0 69.2 3.0 Rice. 12.4 7.4 .4 79.4 .4 Rye. 11.6 10.6 1.0 73.7 1.9 Wheat, spring. 10.4 12.5 2.2 73.0 1.9 Wheat, winter. 10.5 11.8 2.1 73.8 1.8 First patent flour. 10.55 11.08 1.15 76.85 0.37 Whole wheat flour. 10.81 12.26 2.24 73.67 1.02 Graham flour. 8.61 12.65 2.44 74.58 1.72 Bread, ordinary white. 37.65 10.13 .64 51.14 .44 Bread, whole wheat. 41.31 10.60 1.04 46.11 .94 Bread, Graham. 42.20 10.65 1.12 44.58 1.45

For interest on the public debt 14,797,297.96 39,702,702.04 Total ordinary expenditures 67,942,090.33 190,057,909.67 Total receipts, actual and estimated $343,000,000.00 Total expenditures, actual and estimated 258,000,000.00 State of the Union Address Chester A. Arthur December 1, 1884

They did all they could to make trouble for the younger artist, but after a time Titian came into his rights, receiving his "brokerage" which gave to him a yearly sum of money 120 crowns, $126.04. His taxes were taken off for the future, provided he would agree to paint all the doges that should rule during his lifetime.

It is often met with in dangerous quantities in wells and in brewers' vats. From 10 to 15 per cent. in the atmosphere would prove fatal, but even 2 per cent. inhaled for long would produce serious symptoms. The proportion usually present in air is 0.04 per cent. Symptoms.

The probable expenditures of the remaining three quarters to 30th June, 1858, are $51,248,530.04, including interest on the public debt, making an aggregate of $74,963,058.41, leaving an estimated balance in the Treasury at the close of the present fiscal year of $426,875.67. The amount of the public debt at the commencement of the present fiscal year was $29,060,386.90.

The time spent in changing engines at Toledo was 2 minutes and 28 seconds, and at 7.04.07 the train was sliding out of the yards again. Coming out of Toledo the railway runs over a drawbridge; and boats on the river below have right of way. But not on such an occasion as this; for there, waiting patiently, lay a tug tied up to a pier of the bridge, with her tow swinging on the stream behind her.

Piper and looked at his watch 11.04. He rose and gazed at Mrs. Severance. "Well," he said, and then caught her eye.

The founder of Smith College gave to it four hundred thousand dollars; the founder of Abbot Academy gave to it $10,109.04. Those four cents have played a conspicuous rôle in the history of the academy. They have been a sign of its indigence from its earliest to the present day." "Abbot Academy has real estate valued at forty thousand dollars.

The probable expenditures of the remaining three quarters to 30th June, 1858, are $51,248,530.04, including interest on the public debt, making an aggregate of $74,963,058.41, leaving an estimated balance in the Treasury at the close of the present fiscal year of $426,875.67. The amount of the public debt at the commencement of the present fiscal year was $29,060,386.90.