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The cardinal at Bruxels hath at this time in pay á company of our English Comedians. The French king allowes certaine Companies in Paris, Orleans, besides other cities: so doth the king of Spaine in Civil, Madrill and other provincesHay diversos teatros, en que representan comediantes del rey de Francia, como el de Borgoña y otros.

Encouraged by the king's love of art and letters, the great painters like Velázquez and Ribera vied with each other in creating masterpieces for princely patrons, and great authors like Lope, Quevedo, and Calderón sharpened their wits to please a literary public.

In Europe generally the nineteenth century brought to literature a resumption of religious sentiment and of the artistic sense, with their appeal to the emotions, and lyricism became the dominant note in letters. The romanticists turned to history and legend for their material, rather than to contemporary life.

Later, at Madrid, he exhibits himself in a still more unfavorable light, and ends by driving her from his service, of which incident she gives a highly entertaining, though little edifying, narration. The last characters in the play who need occupy our attention are Martín and Pedro, the graciosos.

Como entre la comedia The elder Brother, de Fletcher, y la de Calderón, De una causa dos efectos; entre la Twelfth Night de Shakespeare, y la comedia anónima La española en Florencia; entre la Maid of the Mill, de Beaumont y Fletcher, y La quinta de Florencia, de Lope; entre la Duchess of Malfy y El mayordomo de la duquesa de Amalfi, de Lope de Vega.

It was formerly believed, as related by Montalvan, that he returned from the University of Alcalá to Madrid about 1582, was married and, after a duel with a nobleman, was obliged to flee to Valencia, where he remained until he enlisted in the Invincible Armada in 1588, but recent research has proved the case to be quite otherwise.

For I am siker there be sciences By which men make divers aparences Soche as these sotill tragetores playe, For oft at festis hare I well heard saie, That tragitors within an halle large, Have made to come in watir and a barge And in the halle rowin up and dound; Sometime hath semid come a grim lioun; And sometime flouris spring as in a mede; Sometime a vine and grapis white and rede; Sometime á castill all of lime and stone, And when'hem likid voidin'hem anon; Such semid to every maun'is sight.

In the present instance the Indiano is a bigoted, miserly fellow who seeks, at the least possible cost, position at the Spanish court and who employs doña María largely for motives of interest rather than through sympathy for her poverty-stricken condition.

The windows of the houses surrounding these corrales, with the adjoining rooms, formed aposentos which were rented to individuals and which were entered from the houses themselves. At the end farthest from the entrance of the corral was the stage, which was raised above the level of the ground and covered by a roof.