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His works are pervaded by a genial, kindly humor; but his language is not seldom dull and insipid. His prose writings have a light and graceful humor that is peculiarly Andalusian. Of these the first is now usually classed as a writer of psychological novels and plays, and the others as naturalistic novelists.

También la Worse and worse, de la misma, es un arreglo de la de Peor está que estaba, y la Elvira or the worst not always true de la de Calderón, No siempre lo peor es cierto. Dodsley's collection of old Plays, vol. Collier, 1. c., pág. 69. Collier, History of englishe dramatic poetry, II, pág. 385. Dodsley, Collection of old Plays, tomo I. Lope nació en 1562 y Shakespeare en 1564.

In enumerating the plays of Lope which were still well known and represented in Spain in the nineteenth century, Gil de Zárate names La Moza de Cántaro among the first, and doubtless on this authority Ticknor speaks of it as one of the plays of Lope which "have continued to be favorites down to our own times."

Broadly speaking, we may divide the comedias into four groups: Comedias de capa y espada, which Lope created and which include by far the greater number of his important works. In these plays the principal personages are nobles and the theme is usually questions of love and honor.

Without seeking further we may well recall the place they have in the works of both Plautus and Terence. The early Italian comedies inherit this character from the Latins, and it appears in most of the plays of Ariosto, Machiavelli, and Aretino.