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He had failed Cosgrave from the moment that Cosgrave had demanded love for himself and human tenderness. He had no tenderness to give. He was a hard young man. He said slowly, and with a curious humility: "I used to back him up when he was a kid. He trusted me too and it's got to be a sort of habit. I want him to be happy." "Because you are so un'appy yourself?"

"Lord have mercy on us," muttered Moon, making a backward movement as men do when a gun goes off. "Hi am the Sub-Warden of Brikespeare College, Cambridge," proclaimed the uncompromising Moses, "and I can endorse the description you gave of the un'appy Smith.

"Well, that makes me a bit un'appy." "I should have thought nothing could ever make you happy or unhappy." "I don't like to annoy other people. I'm goin' on my yacht." Fleur looked at him, startled. "Where?" "Small voyage to the South Seas or somewhere," said Monsieur Profond. Fleur suffered relief and a sense of insult. Clearly he meant to convey that he was breaking with her mother.

Then Antonio who was un'appy, distinctly un'appy was politely requested to navigate elsewhere, which I don't think he looked for. 'Op was deputed to convey the information, an' 'Op got in one sixteen-inch kick which 'oisted 'im all up the ladder.

Make 'ay while the sun shines was my motter, and I says to meself there was no reason why this war should make everyone un'appy. As for lookin' at the grocery business as a trust from God, like you said, I never dremp of such a thing, although I've bin to Chapel regular for ten years.

You 'ave 'ad 'ard times and 'ard times is ver' bad for everyone, except per'aps Jesus Christ, for either they go under and are broken, un'appy people, or they come out on top, and then zey are 'arder than anyone else. Well, you are ze big, 'ard young man. But you run after this leetle Monsieur Rufus as though 'e was your baby brother.

"But there, one mustn't be too ambitious. That's the worst of me. And it's the way to be un'appy," she sighed. Mavis walked with heavy heart to her lodging; for all her own griefs, Miss Nippett's touching faith in "Poulter's" moved her deeply. When Mavis got back, she found Mrs Scatchard and her niece in high feather.

"Well, that makes me a bit un'appy." "I should have thought nothing could ever make you happy or unhappy." "I don't like to annoy other people. I'm goin' on my yacht." Fleur looked at him, startled. "Where?" "Small voyage to the South Seas or somewhere," said Monsieur Profond. Fleur suffered relief and a sense of insult. Clearly he meant to convey that he was breaking with her mother.

"Well, that makes me a bit un'appy." "I should have thought nothing could ever make you happy or unhappy." "I don't like to annoy other people. I'm goin' on my yacht." Fleur looked at him, startled. "Where?" "Small voyage to the South Seas or somewhere," said Monsieur Profond. Fleur suffered relief and a sense of insult. Clearly he meant to convey that he was breaking with her mother.

'Lord love yer, said Mrs. Kemp, 'wot is the matter? She had just come in, and opening the door had started back in surprise at seeing Liza on the bed, all tears. Liza made no answer, but cried as if her heart were breaking. Mrs. Kemp went up to her and tried to look at her face. 'Don't cry, dearie; tell us wot it is. Liza sat up and dried her eyes. 'I am so un'appy!