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Then he hurried away. As he rushed to the house of the "Cataract," he stopped at the door of Dr. Tilton's home. "There," he said to Biddy Flannigan, who answered, "tell the doctor there's a tremendous alarm in town, and I thought he might want me to go, as he is an owner, and here is the key." "What?" said Biddy. "Woolen mill's afire, tell him." "Woolen Mill Sophia!

Theodore Tilton's lectures were consummate art, done by a handsome, graceful and cultured man in a red necktie, but they did not carry enough caloric to make them go. They seemed to lack vibrations. Art without a message is for the people who love art for art's sake, and God does not care much for these, otherwise he would not have made so few of them.

In admiration and condemnation we have often shared; in the sentiment of ridicule never; for in all attempts there have been the hintings of worthy purpose and a desire to excel. Those who most despise Mr. Tilton's style and productions are men whose tendencies are to the theories of English pre-Raphaelism. Viewed in relation to those principles, his pictures have little value.

The auditor has failure enough at home, God knows! and what he wants when he lays down good money for a lecture-ticket is to annex himself to a success. Tilton's lecture was called, "The Problem of Life" a title which had the advantage of allowing the speaker to say anything he wished to say on any subject and still not violate the unities.

He took a great assortment of things under the most peculiar circumstances took the Tilton emeralds off Lady Tilton's neck at St. James'." "Why, Harry, you " Flora began. "You told us that," was what she had meant to say, but Harry stopped her. Stopped her just with a look, with a nod; but it was as if he had shaken his head at her.

Tilton admired Beecher a little more than her husband did she was a woman. Tilton was glad that his wife liked Beecher it brought Beecher to his house; and if Beecher admired Tilton's wife why, was not this a proof that Tilton and Beecher were alike? I guess so! Mrs. Tilton was musical, artistic, keen of brain, emotional, with all a fine-fibered woman's longings, hopes and ideals.

Beecher's famous trial on charges made by Theodore Tilton against him on relations with Tilton's wife engrossed the attention of the world. The charge was a shock to the religious and moral sense of countless millions of people. When the trial was over the public was practically convinced of Mr. Beecher's innocence. The jury, however, disagreed, a few holding out against him.

The purchasers of them are the men who regard with enthusiastic admiration the evanescent splendors of Nature. Mr. Tilton's early ambition was to be the painter to fulfil the demands of this latter class. He not only sympathized with it in its greater admiration for "effects" in Nature, but he found associated therewith an enthusiasm which inspired him with unbounded hope and energy.

Tilton's, which I once showed you, and have cut out abundant work for the season. This, Dr. Tilton says, is to restore my health perfectly. There are many friends at Washington it would give me great pleasure to see, but none more than yourself. Must sincerely yours, Washington, March 29, 1802. The sermon, for which I am indebted to your goodness, is now returned, with many thanks for the loan.

She wrote articles for the Anti-Slavery Standard, sent out petitions and left no stone unturned to accomplish her purpose. The diary shows the days to have been well filled: Went to Tilton's office to express regrets at not being able to attend their tin wedding. He read us his editorial on Seward and Beecher. Splendid!... Went to hear Beecher, morning and evening.