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He could throw Lenck's and Clay's brigades upon the Rebel front; the brigade at Nicholasville could take them in flank by crossing the Kentucky River at Tatt's Ford; while, by uniting Clay Smith's command with that of Jacob, then en route for Nicholasville, he could plant seventeen hundred cavalry in their rear between Big Hill and Mount Vernon.

Tatt's legal services. "Depend on my zeal," cried this energetic solicitor, following Matthew pertinaciously on his way to the station. "If there's law in England, your identity shall be proved and your rights respected. I intend to throw myself into this case, heart and soul. Money, Justice, Law, Morality, are all concerned One moment, my dear sir!

Yet the fit was on him to be moving again somewhere better even to return to Kirk Street than to remain irresolute and inactive on the scene of his defeat. He stopped suddenly; and saying "It's no good waiting here now; I shall go back to London;" impatiently shook himself free of Mr. Tatt's arm in a moment. He found it by no means so easy, however, to shake himself free of Mr.

We drink our sherry at the bar, and have had our three or four glasses, when Witchem cries suddenly, "Look out, Mr. Wield! stand fast!" and a dash is made into the place by the Swell Mob four of 'em that have come down as I tell you, and in a moment Mr. Tatt's prop is gone! Witchem, he cuts 'em off at the door, I lay about me as hard as I can, Mr.

Tatt's part, as being indecorous, unprofessional, and unbusiness-like. You thoroughly understand, Mr. Scutt?" Mr. Scutt bowed reverently. Mr. Nawby went on. "If your business connection, sir, with that party," he said, addressing Matthew, and indicating Mr. The late Miss Grice has left neither letters nor papers.

Tatt's efforts to engage him for an "early day," and an "appointed hour," failed. He would only repeat, doggedly, that at some future time he might have a question or two to ask about a matter of law, and that his new acquaintance should then be the man to whom he would apply for information. They wished each other "good morning" at the entrance of the lane, Mr.

Tatt had not by any means forgotten his client, but had, on the contrary, attended to his interests with unremitting resolution and assiduity. He had discovered that Mat was entitled, under his father's will, to no less a sum than two thousand pounds, if his identity could be properly established. To effect this result was now, therefore, the grand object of Mr. Tatt's ambition.

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine and its rival Tatt's Magazine received a large number of contributions. The English Mail-Coach appeared in 1849 in Blackwood. Joan of Arc had already been published in Tait. De Quincey continued to drink laudanum throughout his life, twice after 1821 in very great excess. During his last years he nearly completed a collected edition of his works.