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She was his wife's friend the only one who had taken the slightest notice of her since her arrival. For the resident gentry had decided that they couldn't really couldn't call upon the soap-boiler's daughter. Sir Victor Catheron had shocked and scandalized his order as it had not been shocked and scandalized for half a century.

The folly of her past is doing its work, as all our follies past and present are pretty sure to do. Late in the afternoon of a September day Sir Victor Catheron, of Catheron Royals, brought home his wife and son. His wife and son! The county stood astounded. And it had been a dead secret. Dreadful! And Inez Catheron was jilted? Shocking! And she was a soap-boiler's daughter? Horrible!

There was a sharp, quick, warning flash from the black eyes. "Why should I not appear? Victor may be a coward I am not. I will go. I will face our whole visiting list, and defy them to pity me. Take up the soap-boiler's heiress by all means, but, powerful as you are, I doubt if even you will be able to keep her afloat. Try the experiment give the dinner party I will be there."

Did he tell you this? No need to distress yourself I see he did. And so I am to be turned from Catheron Royals for the soap-boiler's daughter, if I don't stand aside and let her reign. It is well to be warned I shall not forget it." Lady Helena was at a loss. What could she say? What could she do? Something in the set, intense face of the girl frightened her absolutely frightened her.

There was but one question to ask, just eight days after this "Will you be my wife?" but one answer, of course "Yes." But one answer, of course! How would it be possible for a soap-boiler's daughter to refuse a baronet?

The little girl's gentle ways won the soap-boiler's heart at once. "What's your fathers name, little dear?" inquired he, as they went clattering through the streets. "His name is Mr. Edward Parlin. But O, I don't see a single thing of Dotty!" "Dotty! Why, who is Dotty?" asked the man, turning about, and gazing at his little passenger with a look of curiosity.

From this landing a fine view is to be had of Putney Bridge; upstream and downstream is seen the big iron lattice bridge that carries the District Railway over from Fulham on its way to Wimbledon. A soap-boiler's establishment with several smaller yards makes the lane busy, but there are still a lot of small cottages some very old of a poor type, and rented for the most part by labourers.

Her death, as had been expected, took place before long, and the crape that had been put away was now openly worn in Eisleben. The back room, with its robins and green branches, now knew me no more, but I soon made myself at home with a soap-boiler's family, to whom the house belonged, and became popular with them on account of the stories I told them.

For a second even Inez Catheron quailed before the storm she had raised; then black eyes met blue, with defiant scorn. "Not all the soap-boiler's daughters in London or England shall send me from Catheron Royals! Not all the Miss Dobbs that ever bore that distinguished appellation shall drive me forth. You may go to-morrow if you will. I shall not."

It was before your grandmother adopted those serious views for which she was distinguished during her last long residence at Bath, and after Colonel Tibbalt married Miss Lye, the rich soap-boiler's heiress, that her ladyship's wild oats were sown. When she was young, she was as giddy as the rest of the genteel world.