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How came this miracle to pass? The war of the rebellion occurred, delaying for a time the further consideration of Roebling's ideas. This war accustomed the nation to expenditures on a scale of which it had no previous conception. It did more than expend large sums of money. Officials became corrupt and organized themselves for plunder.

Roebling's Niagara Railroad Suspension-Bridge cost four hundred thousand dollars, while a boiler-plate iron bridge upon the tubular system would cost for the same span about four million dollars, even if it were practicable to raise a tubular bridge in one piece over Niagara River at the site of the Suspension Bridge.

Printed schedules of rates for food and rooms were posted up, and the proprietors were notified that they would be punished if they refused to give service at these rates, just as the German soldiers would be punished if they tried to evade payment. Officers of the German headquarters staff occupied Karl G. Roebling's show place, with its fine stables, lawns, and greenhouses.

Washington A. Roebling, on Columbia Heights, where a reception was held. As they passed through the streets the people cheered as people only can who cheer in the atmosphere of a free government. From Col. Roebling's house the company proceeded to the residence of Mayor Low, where they were entertained at a banquet.

"I like not the police just now. I have a plan of my own." She checked herself abruptly. "Have you seen the Star?" "No, Julie." "See, it says here" pointing to a paragraph in a folded sheet torn from a newspaper which she drew from under her apron "'Fire at Roebling's Plant of Incendiary Origin. Tell me, mademoiselle, what is Roebling's?"