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Mose shouted a reply: "I'm not the boss; go talk to him. And, say! you'd better change your tune when you whistle into his ear." "Oh, hell!" said one contemptuously. "It's that tenderfoot of Pratt's." They rode to the older herder, who laughed at them. "Settle with the 'old man," he said. "I'm under orders to feed these sheep and I'm goin' to do it."

"If your patient should wake," he added, "question him a little to ascertain whether he is entirely free from the illusions of his delirium or not " and then with a puzzled wondering look upon his handsome face, the young doctor passed out of Mrs. Pratt's close, shabby house into the deserted street.

Gladys smiled indulgently at Bengal's gush, and turned away to see Jane Pratt's dull, unpleasant eyes gazing contemptuously upon Pom-pom's performance, and heard her whisper to her neighbor, "She's too stiff-legged to be really graceful."

"He did," replied Pickard. "Near Pratt's lodgin' place." "Did or does Pratt live near you, then?" "Closish by happen ten minutes' walk. There's few o' houses a sort o' terrace, like, on t' edge o' what they call Whitcliffe Moor. Pratt lodged lodges now for all I know to t' contrary i' one o' them." "Did Parrawhite give you any idea that he was going to the house in which Pratt lodged?" "No!

The Indian department at Hampton Institute, which opened in 1878 with General Pratt's seventeen prisoners of war, flourished for more than thirty years, and provided for the education of more than one hundred Indian pupils each year in "the hand, the heart, and the head."

"Well, good morning, Mis' Mayberry," came in Bettie Pratt's hearty voice as she swung up the walk at a brisk pace. On one arm she held a bobbing baby in a white sunbonnet, a toddler clung to her skirts and a small boy trailed behind her with a puppy in his arms.

Above the little group the flames crackled in a dead-limbed tree, lighting the ford like a huge torch. Above the flare of the thick canopy of the smoke spread out, completely overcasting the river. Suddenly Frances laid her hand upon Pratt's arm. She pointed with her quirt into a bushy tree on the opposite bank. "Look over there!" she exclaimed, in a low tone.

Pratt's Ordinary was at that time a very fine and well-known place of its sort, with good tobacco and the best rum that ever I tasted, and had a garden behind it that, sloping down to the harbor front, was planted pretty thick with palms and ferns grouped into clusters with flowers and plants.

She will be called before the coroner, her mediumship and Clarke's control of her will be howled through the street " He groaned with the shame and anguish of the scene his imagination bodied forth. "Pratt's hand will also be felt. He will have his own tale, his own method of evasion, and will not hesitate to dishonor her."

Pratt's Ordinary was at that time a very fine and well-known place of its sort, with good tobacco and the best rum that ever I tasted, and had a garden behind it that, sloping down to the harbor front, was planted pretty thick with palms and ferns grouped into clusters with flowers and plants.