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Besides, it is reasonable to believe that the recrudescence of cold that we are suffering from now may have something to do with the change in her condition; it is probable that with the mild spring weather she may improve." He hoped by this counsel to quiet Phillis's uneasiness and to gain time. But it had the opposite effect.

"Charming!" she cried, clapping her hands. "No more preoccupation; no more cares. Look into my eyes, dear Victor, and think only of the present hour, of the joy of being together, of our love." She reached her hand over the table, and he pressed it in his. "Very well." The dinner continued gayly, Saniel replying to Phillis's smiles, who would not permit the conversation to languish.

Stupefied, he looked around him, then returning to the vestibule he called: "Phillis! Phillis!" There was no reply. He ran to the kitchen, no one was there; he went into his office, no one there. But as he looked about him, he saw Phillis's letter on his desk, and his heart leaped; he grasped it eagerly, and opened it with a trembling hand. It was as follows: "I have gone, never to return.

Why take away the one that they had? If he succeeded, would they not look for another? It was imprudence, and, to use the true word, madness. Now that he was no longer under the influence of Phillis's beautiful, tearful eyes, he would not commit this imprudence. All the evening this idea strengthened, and when he went to bed his resolution was taken. He would not go to the judge.

Bacchus recollected that it would not do for him so suddenly to get into a good humor; besides, he reflected it was no more than Phillis's duty to make him ruffled shirts, and she ought to have been so doing for the last twenty years.

Even the revelation of the plain truth that the pantomime would be called by another name and the clowns would appear in mufti failed to assuage Phillis's thirst for the dramatic sensation promised by a meeting in a theatre. I was, as usual, wax in her small hands; and, man-like, I threw the onus negandi upon Eve's shoulders. "Ask your mother," I said; and flew to my day's work.

He shepherded me into my bedroom, shut the door on me, and tiptoed away. I really made a determined effort to go to bed. I actually lay down and covered myself up, but sleep I could not. After an hour of conscientious endeavour I rose, inspired with a new idea. The doctor had straitly forbidden me to enter Phillis's room; but opening out of it was the apartment that was used as her nursery.

"What has he done, ma'am? he has disobeyed me. I'll teach you to do it again, you little villain you!" "Phillis!" Never before had Phillis's new mistress addressed her in that tone; it made her pause a second, and then her blows fell with redoubled strength on the shrinking shoulders, even the head, of the frantic, furious boy.

The "rod in pickle," which Phillis always kept in the nursery, maintained a form of outward discipline and even manners, so far as Phillis knew what manners meant; morals too, in Phillis's style of morality. Beyond that Phillis's own will strong and obstinate as it was made laws for itself, which the children were obliged to obey.

Saniel had not waited until this day to acknowledge the salutary influence that Phillis's presence exercised over him, yet the idea of making her his wife never occurred to him. He thought himself ill-adapted to marriage, and but little desirous of being a husband. Until lately he had had no desire for a home.