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One of our sweetest poets, Charles Tennyson Turner, in an exquisite sonnet on a three-year-old child being presented with a toy globe, has portrayed the consecration of a child's innocence, bathing the world itself in its baptismal dew: "She patted all the world; old empires peep'd Between her baby fingers; her soft hand Was welcome at all frontiers."

"Now for it!" said I in Matt's ear. Gliding forward, I peep'd out at the postern gate; but drew back like a shot. I had almost run my head into a great black hearse, that stood there with the door open, back'd against the gate, the heavy plumes nodding above it in the night wind. Who held the horses I had not time to see: but whispering to Matt, to give me a leg up, clamber'd inside. "Quick!"

In this condition were we when Trimalchio himself was waddled into the consort; and being close bolster'd with neck-cloaths and pillows to keep off the air, we could not forbear laughing unawares: For his bald pate peep'd out of a scarlet mantle, and over the load of cloaths he lay under, there hung an embroidered towel, with purple tassels and fringes dingle dangle about it: He had also on the little finger of his left hand, a large gilt ring, and on the outmost joint of the finger next it, one lesser, which I took for all gold; but at last it appeared to be jointed together with a kind of stars of steel.

According to the more modern version, the inhabitants were enjoined to remain within doors, and, in the Laureate's words: "one low churl, compact of thankless earth, The fatal byword of all years to come, Boring a little auger-hole in fear, Peep'd but his eyes, before they had their will, Were shrivell'd into darkness in his head, And dropt before him.

Seeing this, Rustem threw his kamund, and secured the demon; and, drawing his sword, at once cut the body in two! Fifth Stage. From thence proceeding onward, he approached A region destitute of light, a void Of utter darkness. Neither moon nor star Peep'd through the gloom; no choice of path remained, And therefore, throwing loose the rein, he gave Rakush the power to travel on, unguided.

"Just outside the door." "Then sing go on singing for your life." "But " "Sing!" "Dear heart, they'll murder thee! Oh! for pity's sake, let go my wrist "'Lament, ye maids an' darters " I stole to the door and peep'd out. A lantern hung in the passage, and showed the staircase directly in front of me.

With Susan on my knee, my boys, With Susan on my knee. Next morning we were cast away upon the Frenchman's shore, We saved our lives, but not our all, for we could save no more; They march'd us to a prison, so we lost our liberty, I peep'd between the bars, and sigh'd for Susan on my knee.

Borrow and Napier rode out together to the ruins of Italica: "We sat down," he says, "on a fragment of the walls; the "Unknown" began to feel the vein of poetry creeping through his inward soul, and gave vent to it by reciting, with great emphasis and effect, the following well-known and beautiful lines: "Cypress and ivy, weed and wallflower, grown Matted and massed together, hillocks heap'd On what were chambers, arch crush'd, column strown In fragments, choked up vaults, and frescoes steep'd In subterranean damps, where the owl peep'd, Deeming it midnight: Temples, baths, or halls Pronounce who can; for all that Learning reap'd From her research hath been, that these are walls."

She cross'd the Channel next, and peep'd At Dublin; but the zeal Of the liberty boys soon put her to flight. And she dropp'd her mantle in her fright, Which fell on Orator Shiel. Thence sped she to the Land of Cakes, The land she loves and its possessors; She loves its Craniologists, Political Economists, And all Scotch mists and Scotch Professors.

Here, children, I have heard your own dear father more than once repeat, as only he could, Byron's graphic lines: "Cypress and ivy, weed and wall-flower grown, Matted and mass'd together; hillocks heap'd On what were chambers, arch crushed, column strewn In fragments; choked-up vaults, and frescoes steep'd In subterranean damps, where the owl peep'd Deeming it midnight.